Page 116 of The Phantom

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Isla took his hand without prompting. “It’s time, Rouxbear. This way.”

Rouxbear? What an adorable nickname.

“If you become frightened,” he began, and Isla rolled her eyes.

“You’re forgetting how powerful I am or whatever.” As the darling urged them both forward, a soft glow seeped from her pores, turning her into a walking star.

Blythe gawked. First a door to another realm, now this? She’d never seen her daughter display such a power before.

They moved deeper into the Astra’s consciousness, until they came upon a maze of cells. The young boy she’d spotted in those visions of torture stood at the bars of the first. The one Roux hadn’t drained.

The boy smirked at them.

“Ignore anything he says,” Roux instructed. “That’s Rowan. My twin.”

As they moved on, coming upon other cells, Isla’s light chased away thick, cloying shadows, revealing other prisoners withering away. She detected species after species. Vampires. Shifters. Banshees. Amazons. Gorgons. Minotaurs and manticores. Centaurs. Sirens. Merfolk. Sorcerers. Gods and goddesses. Even ladies from Ation.

When they reached the center of the maze, where the thickest shadows congregated, Isla stopped. Her light pushed the gloom back bit by bit, revealing...hmm. Another clone of Mars? He sat before the wall, leaning back, his cell door wide open.

“I don’t understand,” Roux said with a frown. “Rowan is the only clone I remember absorbing.”

Isla piped up, “Roux, meet Roux. He’s you. Well, your conscience. That’s how he explained it, anyway.”

“Surprise.” The lookalike spread his arms. “I knew you’d be shocked to learn you even had a conscience. You certainly kept me locked away long enough, didn’t you? Thankfully, my cell opened soon after you met the harphantom.” He hiked his thumb in Blythe’s direction. “I explained to the little one that I’d make you more miserable than she ever could, and she agreed to let me give it my best.”

“Mission accomplished. You nearly destroyed me.” Roux scrubbed a hand over his face. “Rowan said Blythe’s consort was the one running rampant...” He narrowed his eyes. “BecauseIam her consort, and you are me.”

“The little prick does like to cause you trouble,” Roux Number Two said with a grin. That grin quickly fell, however. “I’m so tired of screaming, aren’t you? Time to let go of the misery of the past and look ahead to the future. For good.”

Poor Astra. He still looked shocked beyond measure. “I agree with him,” Blythe said. “You deserve joy, babe.” She squeezed Isla’s hand. “All right, sweetheart. Take us home.”

Only minutes later, they were standing in the bedroom Blythe and Roux shared.

“Can I go now, Momma?” Isla jumped up and down. “My friend Kaitlyn wants me to help her steal a dagger.”

She smiled. “Sure. Go on.”

Isla hugged her. To Blythe’s surprise, the little darling gave Roux a hug, too, before she raced out of the room. Once again, he appeared shell-shocked. Not too shell-shocked to yank her into his arms as soon as they were alone and kiss the breath from her lungs.

“I love you,” he rasped when he lifted his head. “I’m so glad you were my undoing.”

Her smile returned. “That’s good. Because it turns out, you were my undoing, too, and I’ve never been happier.” She was about to suggest they rip off each other’s clothes when a prickle started at the base of her neck. Air hissed between her teeth. “Erebus. He’s nearby. Probably walking the hallways of Destiny, planning his next move.”

Roux stiffened but didn’t release her. “Any idea who he’ll choose to complete the next task?”

“No. But I can find out. If you don’t mind me challenging him?”

“Go,” he said, then kissed the tip of her nose. “Make him suffer.”

She beamed at her consort. “I love you so much, I’m almost embarrassed.”

“Yes, but I love you so much more.”

“That’s true.” Blythe winked and flashed into the spirit realm. A narrow corridor inside the harpy palace that had been carved between past, present, and future. Only those with a key could venture here.

And there was Erebus, with his key—the Blade of Destiny—in hand. Unfortunately for him, Isla wasn’t the only excellent thief in the Skyhawk family; Blythe had stolen a piece of his dagger during one of his visits.

He stood before a wall of mist that peered into the throne room. There, six Astra congregated. Silver, Ian, Vasili, Azar, Sparrow, and Bleu. They, too, discussed who they thought would be the next to fight for ascension and what must be done.

Blythe approached her father’s side and offered him a cold smile. “You lost. Again. Overplayed your hand with Laban.”

“Yes,” he replied, with a shrug, not bothering to glance in her direction. “I can’t be terribly disappointed, though. I’ve been looking forward to this next task more than any other.”

He did appear particularly gleeful. Enough to make her stomach churn. “Do tell.”

“I won’t. But time will.”

Tags: Gena Showalter Paranormal