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“You really think Devon threatening me is enough to scare me away? He's been trying to ruin my life for more than two decades now. There's nothing he can do that will scare me away from you.” Carter seemed to mean the words, and Kaitlyn thought they were very, very sweet, but also very misguided.

If she'd learned anything throughout her life, it was that people could always ramp things up and get worse. Given what Devon had already put Carter through, she could only imagine the lengths he'd be willing to go through to destroy the man, should he ever decide to do so.

But given the way Carter studied her, she knew there was more to the man than she knew even now. What he’d been through made him strong, and she felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, Devon wouldn't win against him this time.

Especially not if she had any say in the matter.



A knockat the door drew both their attention, and Carter stood up to go see who’d dropped by.

He opened the door to Phil’s apologetic face. “You weren't answering your phone. I'm sorry to bother you here at home, but I needed to tell you this before you found out from somebody else.”

“Come in.” Carter gestured for Phil to come into his home. “Would you like something to drink?”

Phil shook his head no. “Thank you for the offer, but this is really important and I want to get right into things.”

Side by side, the men walked over toward the couches in the living room.

“Should I give you some privacy?” Kaitlyn asked, making a move to stand up.

Carter put a hand out as if to physically stop her but was nowhere near and didn't make contact. “No, please stay. Whatever Phil has to say, you're welcome to hear.” With a serious stare at her, he said, “No more secrets.”

She nodded, as if understanding what he meant.

“If you're sure.” Phil did not sound nearly as certain.

“So, what's going on, Phil? Why are you here? Not that I'm not happy to have you, of course.” Carter sat down, watching his friend's face twist and contort as if he was trying to find the right way to say what he'd come to share.

After a moment, he finally just opened his mouth, as if ready to let the words pour out. “Sally Greene went to HR. She's pressing sexual harassment charges against you, saying that you were inappropriate both at work and out.”

Carter felt like someone had shot a bowling ball out of a cannon directly into his gut. Unable to inhale or exhale, he sat there, his lungs burning, glad that he'd been sitting down, because otherwise he might have fallen.

“She accused him of sexual harassment?” Kaitlyn sounded absolutely floored, and Carter could only hope that she believed him.

Phil nodded. “I'm afraid so, and it doesn't look very good. When the owner and CEO of a company is accused of sexually harassing a lower employee... that generally doesn't go over well. She doesn't seem like she wants to settle out of court so it could get messy. Prepare yourself.”

“Thank you for telling me this, Phil. Again, what you say here stays here. No one else will know. I really appreciate the heads up.” Carter felt himself reeling as he tried to come to terms with what he just learned. After he'd completely and wholly rejected her, she'd gone to HR and said that he sexually harassed her, even though it was very clear that she'd been the one harassing him.

“Of course, please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I should go.” With that, Phil stood up and headed for the door. Carter walked alongside him, very aware that his friend could see himself out, but not wanting to be rude, even though he'd just been given some of the worst news possible.

After closing the door behind his friend, he turned to Kaitlyn. “I swear to you, I did not sexually harass her at any point.”

“I believe you. What do we do about this, how do we approach it?” Her wide, earnest eyes met his, and Carter felt himself taken aback. She seemed to sense his hesitation. “Look, I've given you every reason not to trust me. But you were right. You have given me no reason to distrust you. I'm in your corner. Tell me how I can help.”

Carter took a few moments to gather his thoughts, trying to plan a course of action that would get him out of trouble for this unfounded accusation.

Kaitlyn also seemed to be trying to think of something, and after a moment she perked up. “What if I write a statement about the day she came to your house and your responses to her? Because the fact that she came to your front door makes it kind of weird that she reported you for sexual harassment. If somebody sexually harasses you, you don't seek them out and give them gifts.”

Her idea might actually work. “That would probably be helpful.” Carter tried to think of anything else that might be of use to HR in determining what exactly was going on. He could have them ask around the office because there were plenty of people that could prove that she chased him, not the other way around.

The more Carter thought about things, the more he realized that it would all be OK. The evidence would point to the truth, and her unfounded accusation would have no real effect on his life. Or so he hoped. Carter knew better than to take anything at face value. For now, it might be in his best interest to take a break from work.

“I think I'm going to contact HR. Tell them everything they need to launch their investigation. I’d like you to write up that statement if you're willing, and then I think I'm going to tell them that I'm going to take a short leave from work while they investigate.”

Kaitlyn nodded. “I'll get right on that.” With that, she headed off toward his office, and he watched her go, loving the sway of her hips and the curve of her perfect ass. A moment later she headed back in his direction and he watched her approach, concerned.

Tags: J.M. Grant Romance