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This was no doubt at the beginning of the end. Next, she'd hear about Fawn’s body being found by the police. Of course, everything would quickly be swept under the rug because the media would paint Fawn as a hooker who finally got what was coming to her. She'd become a cautionary tale that mothers would tell their daughters, and be forgotten not long after.

There was no way she could drag Carter into this mess. They'd bleed him dry, just like they were doing to her. But what choice did she have? It was either that or let Fawn die. Still, Kaitlyn couldn't help but be certain that there was no chance they’d let Fawn go no matter what. She’d already paid so much money, yet her friend still wasn’t free.

“I don't know who else I could ask, Fawn. I don't know what to do or how to help.”

“What about the rich creepy guy who's always visiting you at work... Devon?” Fawn spoke through her tears, her voice still thick as if she was having trouble speaking.

Now, there was an idea she wouldn't necessarily feel bad for some scumbags bleeding Devon dry, but she hadn't a feeling that what he would ask her in return might be a little too much. Would she be willing to sell herself to save her friend?

Still, the fact that Fawn had brought up Devon put Kaitlyn on edge. Of course, Fawn had talked about how lucky she was to have somebody so rich wanting all of her attention and willing to fund her life, something that Fawn would have quickly done given the opportunity.

“What do you want me to do? Ask him to pay your kidnappers? Devon and I aren't exactly on good terms; he's a stalker.” Kaitlyn lifted her shoulders, feeling helpless as she stared down at the expensive hardwood floors under her feet.

“They're going to kill me, Kaitlyn. Can't you just give him a little something extra, like a private dance and have him pay you so you can pay the kidnappers?” Fawn’s suggestion had Kaitlyn curling her lip.

“You want me to sell my body so that he'll pay me, so that I can pay your kidnappers to maybe not kill you?” Kaitlyn couldn't believe her ears. She knew what her friend really meant. Her friend wasn't saying she should offer a private dance. Her friend was saying she should sleep with Devon and get every bit of money she could out of him to help pay Fawn’s kidnappers.

“I’d do it for you.” Fawn’s tearful voice cut out and the line went dead.

Kaitlyn stared at the phone in her hand, thinking about Fawn’s words. She already knew Fawn didn't have a problem selling sexual favors outside dances. But she knew Kaitlyn didn’t. The comparison simply wasn't fair and Kaitlyn had to wonder if her friend honestly would do as much as she had to save her. Hadn't she already gone above and beyond and done so much to help out her friend? Did people regularly do that for other people? She'd never ask Fawn for money. She wouldn't have asked her for help with her down payment, or to cosign on her loans or anything that could potentially hurt Fawn. Still, she knew that was completely different than her friend being kidnapped and facing potential bodily harm or death. The problem was there was no easy comparison, and certainly no easy answers.

“What's going on?”

Kaitlyn nearly leaped out of her skin as she stood up and spun to face Carter. When had he come in? How had he come in so quietly? And worst of all, how long had he been standing there listening to her conversation?

Her lips parted and she stared at him in shock, unsure what to say or how to respond. Her heart hammered in her chest so hard she felt lightheaded. White spots danced at the edge of her vision, and she wondered if she might faint.

Carter took another step closer to her, eyeing her with a suspicious stare that unnerved her. “You'd better tell me what's going on right now.”

Before she could think of anything else to say, she blurted out, “I don't have to tell you anything. You don't own me, you don't control me, and you don't have any right to tell me what I can and can't do.”

Taking her by the shoulders, intensity rolled off him as he spoke directly into her face. “You're talking about sleeping with Devon and ripping him off to help someone. I absolutely think that this is my business.” His low growl left her shaking. What to admit? But this little show of force had a profound effect on her, and she squeezed her thighs together, wondering if he'd be dominant, possessive, and demanding like this in bed.

Kaitlyn had always felt a little bad for being turned on by men that were probably less than desirable and potentially dangerous, but something about this behavior justexcitedher in the worst way.

With both hands she pushed him away and he let her go. “It's not what you think. One of my friends made a dumb suggestion. Clearly, I'm not going for it.” Brushing off his concerns wouldn't be that easy, she was certain, but still she had to figure out some way to get out of this mess she was in.

He seemed to hesitate, considering her words before sighing. “Fine. I can't make you trust me if you're not willing to do so. But I know that there's more to this than you're saying, and I know you're lying to me. I don't appreciate that.”

“Why should I trust you? You're just some guy.”

The look he gave her almost seemed like her words had wounded him. “Because I've never done anything to give you any reason not to trust me. Quite the opposite; I feel like I've done a lot to earn your trust.”

Internally, she had to admit that he had a point, but externally there was no way she was going to back down. Backing down would mean explaining things to him, and there was no way she could do that. There was no way that she could betray Fawn without risking her life even more. Besides, what could he do to help her other than pay the money and wind up stuck in the same endless vicious cycle that Kaitlyn found herself stuck in?

She crossed her arms, doing her best to tell herself that she was protecting him, even though she knew that wasn't quite the truth. She was protecting herself and maybe even protecting Fawn, but mostly, she was protecting herself.

“I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.” She'd spent the previous night curled up in his arms, feeling safe, warm, loved and at home, but tonight, that wouldn’t be an option.

“You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch.” With that, he left the room, his short, tight stride betraying his anger. After a moment, she followed him into his room as he entered the master bathroom. A moment later, the shower started.

She wandered out to the living room, reminding herself that she didn't need his help, his support, or his permission to do anything.

With trembling fingers, she dialed Devon's phone number.

He picked up before the first ring even completed. “Kaitlyn?”

“Did you get me fired?” She wasn't about to be stupid and play games with them, she just wanted to know if he was the reason why her life had been completely turned upside down. “Try not to forget everything you've told me and what I could possibly do with all that information if you decided it was a good idea to ruin my life.” It was the first time Kaitlyn had ever used dirt that someone had shared with her as a way to threaten them.

Tags: J.M. Grant Romance