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"Go ahead," Carter said, his jaw clenched, "You can explain to them why you kidnapped a woman from her home and are holding her hostage."

"I'm not holding her hostage. She's free to leave any time." But Devon's words lacked the ring of truth and Carter wasn't convinced.

"You're lying," Carter insisted, his teeth grit tight.

"I'm not. Honestly, I'm just thinking of her best interests, Carter. You should, too." With that, Devon lifted a shoulder and began walking toward the front door, clearly dismissing Carter.

"I am," Carter said. "I'm thinking about her future. She doesn't have one with you, and you're a danger to her. Let her go, now."

Devon shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Not until she hears both sides of the story."

"Both sides of the... we don't have time for this," Carter said. "She needs to come home right now."

"She'll be fine, Carter," Devon insisted. "I just offered her a vacation, to stay here at my mansion while learning the truth about you. And she deserves to know the truth about who you really are."

"Like hell she does," Carter said. "Devon, I'm telling you, let her go now. If anything happens to her—"

Devon crossed his arms, glaring down his nose at Carter. "What? What are you going to do, Carter? Kill me? I don't think you have it in you."

"I'll do whatever it takes." Carter, seeing red, had to talk himself down from jumping on Devon and pounding the crap out of him. He knew Devon had cameras, and attacking the guy in a place where he'd have proof wasn't a smart move.

Devon laughed. "Oh, piss off, Carter. She's not interested in coming home with you. Now get out of here." With that, Devon opened the front door.

Seeing the opportunity, Carter rushed in, calling out for Kaitlyn.

She answered back and he hunted her down, ignoring Devon's protests as he followed the sound of her voice. He found her, locked away in a room and opened the door. She rushed into his arms, her eyes red and puffy, but no signs Devon had harmed her physically.

"You said she's free to leave, right?" Carter said loudly enough for any cameras to pick up as he kept one arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward her freedom.

Devon nodded, fury in his eyes as Carter walked her out of the house and toward his car. "Are you okay?" he asked her under his breath.

She let out a shaky breath. "Yeah. Thank you for coming for me."

"Did he hurt you?" Carter asked, ready to kill Devon if he so much as laid a hand on her.

She shook her head. "Only with the truth," she said, leaving Carter worried once more about what had been said.



“Why don’tyou pack some things up and come back to my place? I can keep you safe.” Carter’s kind offer didn’t quiet the concerns floating through Kaitlyn’s mind.

He’d dated her to keep Devon from winning a bet. He couldn’t even deny that claim, because Devon had cell phone video to prove what had been said between the men. And that wasn’t all he’d told her. Apparently, some girl named Sally was totally in love with Carter, and she worked with him. Whether or not he loved her was yet to be determined, but that did warn Kaitlyn of a potential messy situation that could happen later.

Still, what was the harm in being safe at his home? She didn’t want to risk Devon taking her again. He’d been mostly kind, but being taken against her will wasn’t a good time.

"Sure. I'll pack a bag." She hurried through her home, throwing clothing into a bag, grabbing her phone, charger, other odds and ends she needed, and then walked into the kitchen.

Carter took her bag and headed out the front door toward his car as Kaitlyn took one more look around her home, let out a breath, and wondered how her life had become such a mess in the span of just one day.

She locked up and followed Carter to his car. He put her bag in the backseat, then held the door open for her as she slipped into the passenger seat.

They drove in silence and she let her rest her head against the window as her thoughts circled like hungry sharks. What would she do now? What if Devon didn't quit? How could she handle the knowledge that Carter had only taken her out that first night because he wanted Devon to lose a bet? Did any of it truly matter?

Something nagged at her…like she was forgetting something. But she couldn't place what it was.

"You okay?" Carter's voice was quiet and rumbled through her.

Tags: J.M. Grant Romance