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Kaitlyn just stared at him, unable to respond as her whole world began to collapse around her. Carter didn't like her, didn't care about her, wasn't trying to build a future with her.

He used her to win a bet.

And she’d been stupid enough to fall into his trap.



Carter tried her number again,but again, it rang and rang and she didn’t answer.

She’d asked him to call, so he doubted she was deliberately ignoring him.

Maybe she just couldn’t hear the phone for some reason. Maybe she was watching TV, or in the shower. Maybe she was blowing him off. Still, his gut warned him something wasn't right. So, he tried to duck out of work to go check on her.

As he left his office, Sally fell in step beside him, leaping every few steps to keep up with his brisk pace. "Did you hear about the cute little farmer's market in town? Apparently, they sell local honey that's the best in the state. Want to go check it out with me? I haven't been yet."

"Thank you for the invite, Sally, but I have other plans," Carter said, trying to be as diplomatic and kind in his rejection as possible. She just wasn't getting the hint. Not only did he not date people in the office, but he also wasn't interested in someone who couldn't take no for an answer.

But Sally wasn't about to give up. "What are you doing today? Maybe after whatever your plans are, we could get together?"

"I don't think so, Sally. I make it a point not to fraternize with employees outside of work. It's company policy. You're a wonderful person, but there's just no way we can ever be more than colleagues."

She stopped walking for a second, then hurried to catch back up when he didn't stop, huffing and puffing as he made his way to the stairs, hoping he wouldn't be caught alone with her again. He'd learned his lesson before and wouldn't take the elevator again with her following him. He didn't want to be rude, but she wasn't making his life easy.

"Then I quit." She ran in front of him and faced him.

Carter stopped in his tracks as she planted her hands on her hips and stared at him with a challenging expression that told him he was calling her bluff.

"You're not serious." Would she really be that stubborn to date him? Carter couldn't imagine being less interested in someone.

"Dead serious. You don't want to date me, fine. I don't want to work with someone who isn't willing to give me a chance. I'm giving you my two weeks’ notice." Her eyebrows lifted, as if she was waiting for him to tell her not to quit. But Carter didn't want to play her games.

"You're quitting because I don't want to date you?" He was really getting annoyed with her high-handedness.

"I'm quitting because you don't respect me." She crossed her arms over her chest and studied him with an angry glare.

What was she even talking about? "I don't respect you? Because I won't date you? I don't understand what you mean and I don't even know you. You're someone I work with. You're nice and all, but we don't really know each other." Keeping his tone gentle and calm, he tried to reason with her as people walked around them, not even sparing a second glance in their direction.

"Why don't you like me?" She seemed genuinely surprised, confused, and hurt by his lack of interest.

"I didn't say I don't like you, just that I don't want to date you or anyone else I work with. It's not you; it's just my need to follow company policy." He knew he was skating a thin line, but what else could he do? She was starting to seem more and more unhinged by the moment, and he worried what might happen if she blew up.

"Then I quit." She seemed steadfast as she crossed her arms, staring at him with an arched eyebrow.

Carter felt like they were running in circles, but he couldn't stop worrying about Kaitlyn and why she wasn't answering the phone. He didn't have time to put up with Sally's crazy right now. "You can't quit. What will you do for work?"

She shrugged. "I'll find another job. But if I quit, then I'm free to date you."

Carter sighed. "I can't stop you from quitting, but I can refuse to date you if you quit. I don't want to be responsible for such a big change in your life, especially not one with the power to ruin your life. I'm sorry, but I refuse to be part of that."

The look on her face sent a shiver of fear down his spine.

"Are you rejecting me?" Tears welled up in her eyes as her voice rose in volume and pitch, taking on a shrill tone that grated on his ears.

"I'm sorry, Sally, I don't think we're a good match. I'm sure you'll make someone very happy one day, but that person is not me. Now I need to get moving." With that, he walked around her, leaving her in place looking like he'd physically struck her.

He didn't feel good about hurting her, but he had to do what he thought was right - and he had. He'd been kind, honest, and let her down as gently as possible. hopefully this would be the end of her haunting him and trying to ask him out.

Tags: J.M. Grant Romance