Page 83 of Bonded By Thorns

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A few steps in and my legs feel like jelly, though I’m not sure if it’s from all the faerie wine, from being heaved around like a sack of grain over Keldarion’s shoulder, or the mind-shattering orgasm Dayton ignited within me.

My body heats thinking of it, and I stumble. Kel leans down and scoops me up.

“I can walk myself!”

“Apparently not.” He sets me back on the edge of the bed, then kneels on the floor, making us eye level.

“Why did you bring me here, Kel?”

He keeps staring at me. I must look like such a mess, my hair splayed every which way, makeup smudged. My dress is thankfully put back together, though I can’t help but notice my lack of panties with the silken sheets rubbing against my legs.

“I asked Dayton to take me to the Summer Realm. I wasn’t trying to escape. And he didn’t force me to do anything,” I say, not able to bear his silence anymore.

“I know. Dayton’s a scoundrel, but he’d never push himself on anyone.” Keldarion crosses to the other side of the room. I can’t help but notice he didn’t answer my question. Kel opens the armoire and pulls out a pale beige tunic before returning to me.

“What’s that for?”

“You can’t wearthatto bed.” He gestures vaguely at me.

I cross my arms protectively over my beautiful lavender dress. “No. I love this dress.”

Kel’s eyes flash. “I can’t imagine who wouldn’t.”

My cheeks heat under the intenseness of his gaze before reason crosses my mind. “I’m not staying here. I have plenty of nightgowns in my room.”

Kel keeps his arm outstretched.

Giving a grumble, I sigh, “Do you have anything with long sleeves? It’s freezing in here.”

Kel rolls his eyes, but then steps over the thorns toward the armoire. There are more thorns in the Winter Wing than anywhere else in the castle.Why is that?

Before Kel returns to me, he kneels to light a fire in the hearth. Kel strikes his flint and steel together, and sparks of orange and red leap through the air as he coaxes the crackling embers to life. A small flame rises steadily, washing the room in a warm, glowing light.

The warmth makes my eyes droop. “Do you think Farron is okay?”

“Ez will take care of him.” Keldarion tosses a long-sleeved black shirt at me. “Spring’s magic is soothing.”

“Will you go check?” I ask him. “Make sure he didn’t turn into his… beast?”

“He’s fine.”

“Well, at least step outside the room while I change.” I glower at him.

He gives me a look that says I could walk around the castle naked and he couldn’t care less, but finally gives a dissatisfied grunt and leaves the room.

Why did Kel bring me here? He could have as easily locked me in the dungeon tower again if he was mad at me for leaving. Or brought me back to my room. I’d thought maybe he was going to lay into me for going to the Summer Realm… but he’s being surprisingly soft. Well, as soft as a man who’s all icy edges can be. But the more important question is: why aren’t I fighting to leave? I know the way to my room. If I left, he wouldn’t come after me.

I let my lavender dress slip to the floor and pull the black tunic over my head. Oh, yep. No underwear.Stupid Summer Prince.The tunic is long enough to cover my ass, barely. I need to find some pants before Kel comes back. I skip over the thorns to the armoire.

Something beside the table catches my eye: clear tumblers and dusty square bottles with different colored liquids. Keldarion has some fancy drinks.

Hey, he forced me here. I’m going to help myself. I pour a little into a glass and give it a sniff. Yikes, that’s strong, all right. I already tried fae wine tonight—why not a little of their liquor? I need all the liquid courage I can muster if I’m going to spend the night in the Winter Prince’s room.

Tipping back my head, the liquor shoots down my throat. It’s cool and crisp, a little like peppermint. A faint warmth spreads through my chest. I have to be careful, or I might drink too much. I’d hate to end up passed out on the icy floor.

But a part of me knows that won’t happen. My eyes drift back to the bed: four elegant silver posts draped with a white canopy. Thick fur blankets lay atop freshly pressed sheets. It’s too big for one person, and I flush.

I turn with the glass in my hand to find Keldarion standing in the doorway watching me. I quickly put the glass down and try to look like I was doing something other than drinking.

Tags: Elizabeth Helen Fantasy