Page 64 of Bonded By Thorns

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“Of course, we can arrange all that! I’m sure your mating bonds will bloom forth in such a romantic setting!” I nearly jump up with excitement. They’re totally into it. That is, until I turn to Keldarion.

His expression is stormy, and I’m caught in the torrent as he glares at me. “You can use my realm and invite my people, but I will not be in attendance.”

I shoot forward. “Kel, you have to go.”

“My answer is final,” he snarls.

This plan falls apart if Keldarion doesn’t go. Especially because we’re starting inhisbloody realm. Does he think he’s just going to wake up one day with his mate bond in place? Or maybe he doesn’t care. Doesn’t care about this castle. Or the other princes. Or anyone except himself.

“You’re a selfish bastard, Kel,” I sneer.

I search for the most burnt muffin in the basket, grab it, and chuck it as hard as I can at him. He doesn’t catch it, not that I don’t think he couldn’t. He just didn’t think it was worth the effort when it bounces harmlessly off his rock-hard chest.

I reach for another muffin, but he’s already crossed the length of the table and snatches my wrist, his hand covering the bargain tattoo. “With that sort of talk, Rosalina, you’ll fit right in with the rest of the Winter Realm.”



Istormthroughthehalls after breakfast, not watching where I’m going. What is Keldarion’s problem? How am I ever going to break this curse if he won’t try anything? And if I don’t break the curse, I’ll never gain my freedom and return home.

“Don’t hurt yourself, love.” Firm hands grab my shoulders and direct me out of the path of a rather large thorn. I turn to see Dayton behind me. “Everything alright?”

“No,” I snarl and keep walking. “I don’t understand Keldarion. You’d think heenjoysbeing a beast.”

“None of us like it.” Dayton trails after me. “But Kel…”

“See! Even you can’t think of an excuse for him.”

“It’s not that. Kel’s touchy on the subject of mates.”

I pause, something tightening in my chest. “Why is that?”

Dayton’s gaze flits back and forth, then he rests his hand on one of the thorns. “Listen, Kel had a great love, and to say it ended poorly would be the fucking understatement of the century.”

Keldarion has been in love before? That is surprising. “Was his great love also his mate?”

“I fucking hope not.” Dayton laughs. “But no, I don’t think so.”

“What happened to her?” I ask.

“Enough questions,” Dayton hisses, then, “For moon’s sake, blossom, are you crying?”

I wipe my eyes. “No! It’s only, how am I supposed to help you all if Kel won’t eventry?”

Dayton sighs and puts his arm around me, pulling me against his body. He’s so warm, and I inhale the sweet scent of sea air and sunshine. A sense of calm washes over me.

“If I had a heart, I’d understand why Kel isn’t so eager to find his mate,” Dayton says. “But since I’m clearly delusional and incapable of feeling, I agree with you. Keldarion is a massive prick and if I have to keep giving my nights up to that asshole golden wolf for the rest of my life, I’ll likely kill him one day.”

“Yeah, such a prick.” I relish in this new sense of peace, feeling Dayton’s firm chest on my cheek. But he pushes me away, and my anger comes rushing back in an instant.

“But tonight, that toothy bastard is staying down.” Dayton smirks at me, strands of blond hair falling across his face. “And I’ve got to get ready.”


“Rosalina, love.” He must still see the dismay on my face because he reaches forward and knocks me under the chin. “There’s three ways to get rid of anger. Fight, drink, or fuck it out. Ask Marigold to whip you up something special tonight. She’s surprisingly savvy with cocktails.”

He turns, heading down the hall. Something bubbles in my chest, a rebellious longing, like I’m not ready for him to leave yet.

Tags: Elizabeth Helen Fantasy