Page 62 of Bonded By Thorns

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Dayton puts a hand to his heart, flabbergasted. “It’s the one night of the month you don’t have to change into that mangy mutt.”

“The goblins don’t take a break from terrorizing our realms,” Ezryn says. “I won’t either.”

“Not me, brother,” Dayton says. “I need a break. A chance to be a man.”

“A break from what? Day drinking? Sitting in your hot springs?” Farron mutters bitterly.

Come to think of it, he’d been in a bad mood yesterday as well. I would have thought he’d be overjoyed. A chance to not spend the night in that dingy dungeon.

“Getting drunk during the day is nothing compared to tasting a sweet berry wine with the night’s sea breeze on your face,” Dayton continues. “I, for one, will return to the Summer Realm to bask in her beauty.”

“Don’t think too highly of him,” Keldarion says. “He doesn’t intend to check in with any of the political dealings while he’s there.”

“How can I be bothered by that when all the fruit of Summer’s glorious nights will be calling to me? Her sweet wines and even sweeter ladies.” Dayton grins. “Besides, my sister has all that political stuff under control.”

“Your sister is achild.” Farron shoves his chair back and glowers at him. “You’re as delusional about that as you are with everything else.”

The smile doesn’t break from Dayton’s face, but I swear I see something akin to hurt flash in his eyes. “We’re all on borrowed time here. You can either have fun while it lasts or spend it huddled up in your dusty old library looking for something you’re never going to find. Hey, you never know, maybe my mate will fall on my cock in the Summer Realm, and I’ll break this fucking curse myself.”

Farron’s eyes water, and he storms across the room to the exit.

“Farron, wait,” I call out.

“I have to get ready.” He pauses at the door, a soft expression on his face. “I’m going back to the Autumn Realm to see my parents. It’s good to spend the night there every so often.”

With that, he leaves. I’m surprised Dayton’s fiery gaze doesn’t burn a hole in the wall.

Okay, I have to bring up my plan. But I’m a little nervous now that my right-hand man has left.

“Where are you going for the full moon, Keldarion?” I ask, stalling.

“I’ll be here,” Keldarion states.

So much for stalling.

“Kel hasn’t left the castle in twenty-five years,” Dayton says. “Rumor has it that’s not the only thing he hasn’t—”

“You should watch your tongue when speaking to the Winter Prince,” Ezryn snaps. “He was given the Sword of the Protect—”

“Yes, lot of good that did us all,” Dayton counters, a fire to his words. Farron must have really affected him. “Kel screwed us all over. For what? To lie with the shadows—”

“Enough,” Keldarion snarls, slamming his hands down on the table. A frost springs over the food, making it appear freezer burnt.

Okay, it’s now or never.

“I know how to break the curse!” I cry out and stand.

All their eyes burrow into me.

“Well, I have a guess. A hypothesis, really. Something Farron and I think would be worth a try.”

In actuality, when I’d told Farron my idea, he’d grimaced and muttered something about how he’d try anything at this point. But he’d abandoned me, so the truth was what I made it.

Kel looks like listening to my idea is far less appealing than beating Dayton to a pulp, which is his current goal. But mercifully, Ezryn turns his metallic-masked head to me and says, “Share your knowledge, Rosalina.”

Slowly, Kel sits down, and Dayton turns his attention to me. Nerves flutter in my stomach and a blush burns my cheeks. “Farron and I have been doing lots of research. And I have to say… Dayton’s right.”

Dayton looks the most shocked of all of them, but Kel’s face is equally displeased, and I can imagine the stunned look Ezryn has under that mask of his.

Tags: Elizabeth Helen Fantasy