Page 57 of Bonded By Thorns

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I let out a sigh of relief and a little laugh as he does. “I didn’t mean to be a creeper—”

“Rosie, no.” He reaches forward and clasps my hands. “I told you to meet me in the Summer Wing. I wasn’t thinking. I should have known that—”

“Dayton is stupidly charming.” I smile at him. His hands are so warm in the frosty morning air.

He shakes his head. “That’s one way to put it.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, are you two together? How does that work with finding a mate?”

Color floods his cheeks. “I’ve known Dayton forever. I spent some time in the Summer Realm and it kind of happened. Then after we were both coronated as High Princes and moved to Castletree, we continued. It’s just fun.”

Just funsounds more like Dayton’s words than Farron’s.

“Looked more than fun,” I say before I can stop myself. “I mean—”

I try to pull away, but Farron tugs me closer. “How long were you watching for, Rosie?”

Heat swirls in my core. He’d said my name. Had it been out of surprise or something else? “Not too long.”

“Maybe it’s a little more than fun for me,” Farron says softly, eyes flicking to the front door where the rest of them disappeared. “I’m always looking at tomorrow, the future, a cure. But when I’m with Day, it feels like the only time I’m actually living.”

“We all need someone that makes us feel alive.”

“We certainly do.” His thumb massages my palm. “We’re not just with each other. Dayton seeks his pleasures often and sometimes drags me along.”

“Like, you get together with someone else?” I can’t stop the curiosity from blooming in my voice.

He lets out a heady breath, and I realize I’ve moved so my whole chest is almost pressed against his, our hands tucked between us.

“Sometimes,” he murmurs huskily and his eyes close. Is he imagining something that had once happened… or do his thoughts mirror my own?

Something thatcouldhappen.

“Rosie, if—”

Loud voices echo from inside the castle, and I give a sympathetic look up at Farron. “We should probably go help.”

We run up the stairs and into the entrance hall. Ezryn, Dayton, Astrid, and Marigold all stand around the mirror.

Ciara has her hands on her hips and glares at them all. “I’m not going until I see Keldarion!”

“My magic isn’t working on the mirror,” Ezryn grumbles. “Dayton’s isn’t either. It’s the same as the last ones. I doubt your magic will work, Farron.”

Farron gives a deep sigh. “I suspect Caspian puts some sort of enchantment on them to keep them here. Another way to torment us. Only Kel’s magic is still strong enough to break it.”

Ezryn turns and heads to the stairs. “I’ll get him. But I might require assistance.”

Farron gives a pained look before dragging Dayton up the stairs after Ezryn.

I awkwardly go stand beside Marigold, Astrid, and Ciara, who’s now as trapped here as me.

“Well, how was it?” Marigold waggles her dark brows. “Sleeping with the dark prince himself?”

“Marigold! You can’t ask her that!” Astrid says.

But Ciara has no qualms explaining. “They all say don’t go down Below, but honestly, all of my best fucks have been from one of Sira’s parties. When I caught Caspian’s eye last night, I knew I had to go for it. He’s dreamy sure, but it’s more than that. We’re all curious.” She looks Astrid up and down. “You’re from Winter, right? Me too. I needed to know: was Caspian’s dick really worth the Realm?”

Astrid gives a little quiver and her face scrunches in anger. “The Realm isn’t lost—”

Tags: Elizabeth Helen Fantasy