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Lucas nodded, and I hustled to Sophie’s car and got in. As soon as the door closed, I told her to drive, which she did. Sophie pulled around the corner of the bar, passing my parked car in the process, and turned into a spot.

“Care to tell me what that was about? And since when do you know Lucas Donovan?”


“Lucas Donovan. All-star cornerback… plays for the Virginia Thunder.”

“Oh my God. That’s why he looked familiar,” I whispered.

Lucas Donovan was one of the highest-paid cornerbacks in the league. Except rumor had it he took a slight pay cut to play for Virginia. I had no idea why anyone would do that. Maybe it didn’t matter since his pay after the pay cut was more than I’d ever earn in a lifetime. Football was one of my favorite sports to watch. Growing up, I’d spend the weekend watching games with my father.

Maybe it was the state of mind I’d been in or his ridiculous masculinity that had his familiarity bypass my brain. Not that I expected to run into a professional athlete. It seemed the night was full of unbelievable run-ins.


Right, she asked me a question.“I don’t know him. But I did meet Trevor’s fiancée, Cami.”

I went on to explain the past twenty minutes of my life. How my confidence morphed into a small panic attack when Trevor said he was engaged. “I don’t even know why, but I just had to get out of there. I can’t believe he’s getting married.”

“Is she wretched?”

A snort-laugh flew out of me. “No, she’s actually very sweet and someone we’d probably be friends with. I guess the married at thirty-five rule and wanting different things only applied to me.”

“Well, let’s forget about him and talk about Lucas Donovan.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. Amidst my panic, I ran out of the bar and smack into Mr. Tall, Dark, and Delectable. And completely forgot to talk to Lynn. Want to grab a bite to eat?”

“Harley, slow down. You sound so scattered, take a breath. Text Lynn and take care of that. I’ll find us a place to eat. But you’re not getting off the hook. And as far as Trevor, who cares? You just literally ran into the most mouthwatering man. When I told you maybe you’d find your Mr. Right, I didn’t expect it to be one of the hottest professional athletes.”

I rolled my eyes, purposefully withholding information that Lucas asked for my number. That was all my matchmaking, romance-loving roommate would need to hear. “Whatever, I hardly noticed his looks.”

That had been a bit of a lie. No way would I, or anyone for that matter, have missed such a fine specimen.

“Let’s hurry and get some food in you. You’re starting to sound delirious. We’ll come back for your car.”

We both laughed, and when she pulled out of the lot, I couldn’t help but look back at the door, wondering if I’d ever see Lucas again.

Tags: Carina Rose Romance