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Sophie’s soft tone had me wanting to spill my guts. My embarrassment must have been evident because Cami placed her hand on mine, giving me the strength to come clean. “I’m a virgin,” I whispered loud enough for them to hear but not the surrounding diners. Sophie blinked a few times, Cami’s lips parted, and Harley grinned. “It’s not like it’s a disease or anything to be ashamed of, I just didn’t have time. Plus, I wanted it to be special. Collin knows, and it’s like this barrier between us. Even last night, we had so much fun. He walked me to my bedroom door, and I thought, maybe it would bethenight, but all he did was kiss me, and then say good night. I’m so frustrated… literally.”

“What can we do?” Sophie asked.

“Well, I’m thinking of seducing him.” After I blandly stated that, we all burst into a fit of laughter. Once we calmed down, I added, “I don’t know how to do that. The guy sees me at practice, in sweats, or in my cute pajamas. Sometimes I think he still visualizes me as the nerdy girl who stared at him all those years ago. I understand the age difference, that we’re teammates, and that I’m best friends with his sister, but he’s told me that I’m beautiful. He’s driving me wild.”

Harley took a sip of her mimosa and sweetly asked, “When did you tell him?”

I looked at her and shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat. “He overheard me talking to his sister. My guess is that he’s courting me.”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” Cami touted with a roll of her eyes. “After what I went through with my ex, I feel even more determined to take control of situations. If you want him, go after him. That’s what I’m going to do when I find someone who rings my bell. You don’t need anything extravagant. Use what you have at your disposal. He’s already into you, so drive him wild enough where he can’t take it anymore.”

Sophie nodded. “Cami’s right. I hate to say this, but Collin is used to women throwing themselves at him.”

“They all are.” Harley’s nose crinkled. “It’s gross.”

“I get it. Okay, I think I know exactly what I need to do.”

Hopefully it would work.


When I got home, Collin was stretched out on the sofa asleep in front of the television that was tuned to a news channel covering the upcoming season. I couldn’t help but sit down and listen, since they were talking about the Thunder’s rivals, the DC Rockets.

I’d heard about this rivalry but hadn’t witnessed it firsthand. Curious, I looked up the viral meme of Trent and Reese that I’d missed thanks to being inactive on social media. Knowing them now, I laughed at the obscene gesture of a raised middle finger coming from Reese. I can totally see why she’d done that. Along with the picture, there was the explanation of the long-standing contention between the two teams. It didn’t help that their stadiums were less than forty miles apart.

Fans in Virginia seemed to be split when asked which team they preferred. According to the statistics I checked, that seemed to change when Trent left and the Thunder got better.

“Charlie Nicholson is the one to watch.” Hearing my name blare out of the television’s speakers pulled me from my thoughts.

“I agree, Drew. But I don’t know that I’d be putting her on my fantasy roster.”What’s a fantasy roster?

“I’ve seen her practice, and I think she’s the real deal.”

Confused, I looked at Collin, whose chest rose and fell in calm breaths. Taking a moment, I stared at him. I couldn’t help but appreciate his defined jawline, his chin that had a tiny scar on it, and the ends of his eyelashes curled up just a bit at the ends. Not sure why men got that quality when I needed to use a device and mascara to make them even stand out. Then there were his lips, which were slightly parted, damp as though he’d recently licked them, and looked like pillows of happiness. Remembering how they’d kissed me, I also knew they were very skilled… hence the happiness.

“Staring is rude,” he mumbled. “But you’ve always been good at that.”

I grabbed the small pillow behind me and threw it at him. Naturally, he caught it and put it behind his head. “So is pretending to be asleep. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I honestly just woke up. Smelled wildflowers… your perfume.”

“Oh. Yeah. Hey, since you’re awake, will you answer a question for me?”

“Of course, I’m your mentor, after all.”

“Right.” He hadn’t mentioned that for a while. I suppose in his own way he was teaching me the ropes. “Why would someone fantasize about me?”

In a flash, Collin was sitting up. He scrubbed his hand over his face. “Several reasons,” he grumbled before furrowing his brow. “Who’s fantasizing? Did someone say something to you?”

“No. Maybe I didn’t ask it right. The guy on television said he’d put me on his fantasy roster. Is that something that guys do?”

Collin chuckled. “No. I mean, yes. But not just guys.” He went on to explain what fantasy football was.

“Okay, that makes sense, and I feel like an idiot. Who knew football was so popular?” I chided with a wink. Now he was the one staring. “On that note, I’m going to go change and practice a few things in the back, if that’s all right with you.”

“Sure. I assume you had a good brunch with the girls?”

“Yes, I did. Thank you. Very enlightening. I’ll see you in a few. Sorry if I disturbed your nap.”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance