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“And if it gets out that we may be more?”

Collin’s right shoulder met his ear in a simple shrug. “Then, like I said, we’ll deal with it when the time comes. Reporters will ask even if they don’t think something is there. Anything for a story or sound bite.”

“Got it. Less is best,” I repeated.

“Great. There still is one thing, though.”

“What’s that?”

“You haven’t agreed to date me yet. So I’ll ask you again. Will you date me?”


“Thanks, Charlie.” I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “See you in the morning.”

“Good night, Collin.”

Stepping out of her room, I turned back just in time to see a bright smile on her face right before she closed the door. I let out a breath and prayed that I wouldn’t screw this up.


Two weeks had gone by since we’d agreed to date, yet we hadn’t gone on one yet. Despite that, we both talked about how to handle it, and thankfully she agreed with me that no one but us needed to know. Of course I told her she could tell Cami, Sophie, and Harley. I’d trust those three not to say a word. They understood our life. As far as my sister, Charlie was a bit surprised that she already knew. When I explained I’d called Sally for advice, her previous surprised reaction turned to shock. Couldn’t say that I blamed her.

On top of everything we had going on, our first preseason game was on our heels. Today, reporters would be allowed at practice. Normally I’d hate that, but hopefully once they’d berated Charlie with questions, which was bound to happen, they’d give her some space.

Ever since Reese’s press conference, and despite security warnings, they’d been camped outside the training facility. This morning I saw one hiding in the bushes outside my driveway. Dude was lucky I didn’t get out of the car and kick his ass for trespassing. Charlie had noticed, too, and nibbled her bottom lip. Seeing her distress fueled my ire toward the paparazzi.

Sweat dripped down my arms as I lined up behind our offensive tackle. For today’s scrimmage, Trent had given us three new plays to go over, and thanks to my adrenaline surging through my body, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the ball.

“Hut, hut!” Anton yelled as the center hiked the ball, which was my queue to run a post play. I hustled down the field, escaping a tackle. Lucas appeared in the corner of my eye. If anyone on our defense could catch me, it was him. I was fast, but he was faster. Knowing the play, the ball should be ready to drop into my hands in five more yards. Sure enough, when I looked up, it was right there, and so was Lucas.

“Not today, buddy,” I panted, stretching my arms up at the same time he did. Lucas had his eye on the ball, but in a valiant effort, I jumped up and snatched it over his head, pulling it into my chest, and then falling down thanks to my best friend tackling me.

“Dammit,” he barked before standing and giving me a helping hand up. I would have chuckled at the disgruntled look on his face, but I knew the feeling. He’d wreaked havoc on our line all training camp. “Nice grab.”

“Thanks. You make me better,” I admitted with truthfulness.

“Back at ya.”

The whistle blew. When I glanced at the play clock, I saw there were six seconds left. The coach called a time-out. Despite getting the first down, the field goal unit came out. Namely, Charlie and crew. There were times I’d be on the line, but during preseason I sat out.

She hustled onto the field and lined up at the thirty-seven. And as though she’d done it for years, the ball was hiked, the holder set it down, and she kicked the ball straight through the uprights.

“Damn, girl’s got game,” Lucas said.

“That she does.”

“Harley said you two were dating now.”

I glanced around before nodding. “Yeah. I was going to tell you after practice. Happened kind of quick.”

“Figured it must have. Charlie told her last night. Harley called to ask her a question about a hat she’d been designing for her, and that was when she told her. She said she needed to tell someone.”

Nodding, I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

“Mistake? No. Charlie is a complete knockout. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into. This can either be fantastic or it can be a complete and utter disaster. I wouldn’t go around advertising it. And don’t let it distract you from your job.”

“Nothing would ever do that. I wouldn’t allow it.”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance