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And just like that, I knew what I’d be doing Friday night.

Chapter 10


My nerves were spiked to the high heavens. I thought I was on edge when Reese introduced me to the team, but that was nothing compared to this. Thankfully I had my own locker room that she had converted from an old office, and it already had a shower. When I asked about away games, Reese assured me the league would have something in place, even if it was a makeshift changing room. All was fine with me because I didn’t get as sweaty as the other players, so a shower wouldn’t be necessary.

I slid on my shoulder pads over my tight-fitting long-sleeve performance undershirt, tied the laces on the chest piece that covered my boobs, and then attempted to put on my practice jersey. But despite my good range of motion, the fabric got twisted and somehow lodged underneath a piece of plastic in the back.

“Ugh,” I griped to no one but myself. Sweat dotted the back of my neck as I fought with the polyester. Even standing in front of the mirror didn’t help. I couldn’t see what I’d done, and the more I fussed with it, the more my arms looked like a scarecrow’s. At this rate, I may as well have been a dog chasing its tail. Finally giving up, I let out a long breath.

Knowing Collin would be waiting for me, I opened the door, and sure enough, he was leaning against the wall. One of his legs was bent, his foot planted flat behind him. He looked delicious. Was that even possible? I didn’t know for sure, but what I did know was I couldn’t help my tongue from swiping my bottom lip.

“Hi. Can you please help me with this?”

Before he moved toward me, his eyes roamed up and down my body, making me even hotter. “Turn around,” he instructed.

Not sure how I managed to swallow, since all the saliva in my mouth had evaporated, I did as he asked. His left hand rested on my waist as his right worked the material out from underneath the padding. Finally, feeling a bit looser and my arms regaining their range of motion, I shimmied, not realizing how close he stood behind me. My backside grazed his front, and it was then I realized football players didn’t wear cups… or maybe just wide receivers didn’t. It made sense, since they ran a lot.

I stepped forward, and he finished fixing my shirt before I turned to face him. “Thank you. There has to be an easier way.” I laughed, trying to make light of the fact that although I might be intelligent, I couldn’t get my shirt on without help.

Collin fiddled with my sleeves and neckline before staring down at me. “There is an easier way. I’ll teach you. Take off your shirt.”

“What? Why? I just got it on.”

Rather than ask me again, he reached beneath his jersey and toyed with something; then, like a magician, he pulled his jersey and shoulder pads over his head in one movement. With the pads inside the jersey, it looked like someone was still in it. Then I looked at his white base shirt that acted as a second skin. Every nuance, curve, dip, and ridge of his torso was easy to see—despite it being covered in fabric.

“Pads go into your jersey before you put it on. I’m aware that I failed to tell you that. The equipment manager will do it before games, but we’re on our own for practices.” When I didn’t reply, thanks to my ogling, he waved his hand in front of my face. “Charlie, did you hear me?”

“What? I mean, yes. Okay. I should have asked you or at least looked online for help.”

He put his back on, covering his tight body once more. I practically sighed at the visual loss. Collin tugged on the V-neck and shifted his shoulders around until he was satisfied. Reaching down, he picked up his helmet, which I hadn’t noticed before.

“One sec, I need to get my helmet.” I went back into my locker room and grabbed it off the bench. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Great. Let’s do this. Stay strong out there. Remember that you’re here for a reason, yeah?”

I nodded. “Right. Do you think DiNardo will give me a hard time?”

“If he does, I’m certain you’ll handle it. Do yourself a favor and don’t take anyone’s crap. Stand up for yourself. If the coaches come to your rescue all the time, you’ll be like that kid in school.”

“Yeah, I know that kid,” I shyly blurted. “But I get it.”

“Remember you’re one of us now. You just smell better.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “Wearing perfume is a habit. I’ll remember not to put any on for games.”

“No, it’s fine. Maybe it’ll throw the defense off.” Collin chuckled. Once again, I forced a swallow. “Let’s do this. Anymore questions?”

“Do you not wear a cup?”

His eyebrows skyrocketed to his hairline, and if I could have rewound my words, I would have. Except the medical student inside of me was curious.

“No. Some of us don’t. It impedes movement. Slows me down.”

“So you’d rather get hit there than be slower? That takes balls!” I said, laughing, but internally I cringed at the thought of what could actually happen if, God forbid, he did take a shot to the scrotum.

Collin rolled his eyes. “You ready now?”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance