Page 58 of Once Upon a Kiss

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“Have you explained it to her?”

“We got into an argument, and I haven’t had the chance. Lacey told me she saw Kevin right before she spoke to Pete to get someform of closure or something. I think he planted doubts about our relationship in her head.” Although Drew hadn’t been pleased that Lacey could believe a syllable that jerk said, he knew Kevin had done a number on her, and this misunderstanding wasn’t doing him any favors. “She asked me for space, and I’m giving it to her.”

“Um…” Ethan sounded as confused as Drew felt. “Yeah, I don’t know how to get out of this one, buddy. It probably wouldn’t have been a big deal if her ex wasn’t such a jerk, which he clearly proved again. The man gives all of us a bad name. From what I know of Lacey, I doubt she really would have believed anything he had to say. It was just bad timing.”

Timing,Drew thought ruefully.The exact thing that brought us together could tear us apart.Ethan had a point. If Kevin had treated her with a hint of respect, Lacey wouldn’t have severe trust issues. He could kick himself for becoming a jealous caveman when Pete spoke about her. The problem was, Drew wanted to shout from the rooftops that he was head over heels in love with Lacey and didn’t care who knew—boss or no boss. He should have insisted she hear his side of the story when he’d had the chance.

“Thank you for listening.”

“Anytime. And if you need a break, you know where I am.”

Drew ended the call and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated that he promised to give her space. His fingers were itching to dial her number, but he held back. Instead, he made a few arrangements, realizing there was only one way he could convince her he had nothing to do with her promotion. When Pete answered the phone, Drew knew this was his one shot to win back Lacey’s trust. “I need your help.” From the moment she’d kissed him on the beach, Drew knew Lacey wasn’t one to let an opportunity pass her by. He needed to take a page out of her book. “I’m coming to New York.”

Pete chuckled. “I had a feeling you might.”

Chapter 27

Lacey had been working nonstop in an effort to keep her mind off Drew. But with each day that passed, she realized how much she missed him. She also realized how irrational she had been in cutting off contact after their argument about Pete.

“Knock, knock.” Camille, her new assistant, hidden behind an array of flowers, walked into Lacey’s expansive office. “These just came for you.” Camille set the flowers down on the corner of Lacey’s desk, leaned down, and inhaled. “Aren’t they gorgeous?” She plucked the card out and handed it to Lacey. “I didn’t realize you were seeing someone.”

And Lacey wanted to keep it that way. When she’d dated Kevin, she brought him to office parties and other work functions. So when they broke up, all she heard wasWhere’s that handsome boyfriend of yours?Lacey didn’t want another repeat of that situation and promised herself to keep all future relationships quiet.

“Thank you, Camille. That will be all.”

Her assistant’s lips quirked to the side. “I’ll be at my desk.”

The tropical blooms were reminiscent of some of the flowers on the island. Lacey sat behind her desk and stared at the bouquet before pulling the card out from the small white envelope.


Please let me explain.

I love you.


Her eyes welled with tears at those words; her chest ached for how she had treated him. Though at the time she’d felt justified, she did love Drew with all her heart—he just didn’t know it. How could he? And although she’d thought the worst of him, he still said he loved her. Without further hesitation, she grabbed her phone with trembling hands and called him. All she could hope was that hewould forgive her for rushing to conclusions and not giving him the benefit of the doubt. She needed to hear his side of the story. When his phone went directly to his voice mail, her heart sank.

“Hi, Drew. I received your flowers. I love them. Call me when you get this message.” She had so much more to say, but doing it in a voice mail didn’t seem sufficient. She stared at the black screen and decided to call it a day. Gathering her things, she closed her office door and told Camille she was heading out.

Lacey flagged down a cab to bring her to her destination. On the way, she remembered what Janine had said about Drew:Deep down in your heart, do you honestly believe Drew, the man who didn’t flinch to pretend to be your boyfriend, the man who defended you in front of Kevin, and the man who, from what I can tell, loves you with all of his heart, would break your trust, knowing how important it was to you?

Not only did Grace agree with that sentiment, she’d added,The man loves you, Lace.Love. That doesn’t come along every day.

Lacey looked out the window, sighed, and told the cabbie to pull over. Now in Astoria, Queens, the cemetery was just a block up the road. Lacey knew that her parents couldn’t physically answer her, but in times like this, she just needed to talk to them.

Soon she was squatting in front of the familiar gray stone. “Hi, it’s me again.” Lacey let out a sigh. “I need your advice… or at least to talk to you. I got a promotion at work.” Pride swelled within her, overcoming for a moment the sadness of her surroundings.

She stared at their engraved names and shook her head. “I’ve worked so hard.” She glanced at her father’s name. “Dad, you would have been so proud. I marched right into the client’s office and pitched him my idea. Of course, that was after I snuck past the receptionist.”

She fiddled with the handmade bracelet on her wrist. Despite the rocky few days, she didn’t have the heart to remove it. In some way, the braided band made her feel connected to him. “But Drew knows my client Pete; they’re good friends. I asked Drew not to say anything, and he promised he wouldn’t, but then Pete mentioned that he knew Drew and I are together… so now I don’t know. I gave the pitch of a lifetime, and I’d like to believe Drew had nothing to dowith Pete’s decision.”

Lifetime…Lacey stared at the year of her parents’ deaths; she knew how short a lifetime could be. She knew how you could lose the people you love most in the blink of an eye. And a man like Drewdidn’tcome along every day. She’d be disappointed if she was hired because of him, and though she might decline Pete’s offer, she didn’t have to leave Drew over it. Drew could be herlifetime…if it wasn’t too late.

Dizzy from the enormity of her realization, Lacey stood and kissed her fingers before placing them on the stone. “Thank you. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance