Page 23 of Once Upon a Kiss

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Chapter 11

Back at the hotel, people were lined up at the front desk, either checking in or out. Drew was holding shopping bags in one hand and Lacey’s in his other as they strolled through the lobby. When she stopped dead in her tracks, his arm extended backward and he looked behind him, surprised.

“What’s wrong?” He followed her gaze straight to Kevin and Candi as they spoke to a clerk at the desk. Drew was hurriedly pulling Lacey toward the elevators when Candi spotted them and smiled. She nudged Kevin with her elbow.

Kevin turned and smarmily grinned at them before the clerk behind the desk handed him a slip of paper and wished him safe travels.Good, they’re leaving,Drew thought as he gave Lacey’s hand a squeeze.

“Hello, Lacey,” Kevin said, his tone a little bit too chipper for Drew’s liking as he made his way toward them, Candi following close behind. “You’ll be happy to know we just checked out, so you can stop your littlegamenow.”

“Sweetie,” Candi said apologetically, “don’t be mean. Not everyone has what we do.”

Yes, what they have.Drew had to hold back an eye roll.

“Well, have fun,” Lacey said stiffly.

“Oh, we will,” Candi chirped. “We found a gorgeous resort on the other side of the island. It even has a nude beach.”

Lacey grimaced. “Charming.”

Candi stepped away to call a cab, seemingly oblivious to the tension she left behind. It was clear either Kevin had never told her that he and Lacey had dated, or she just didn’t care.

“Enjoy the rest of your trip,” Kevin said with snark before he turned his attention to Drew. “I’m surprised you lasted this long. But,” he drawled, “I bet she hasn’t let you touch her yet.” He leanedin closer and Drew’s blood came to a low boil. “Don’t worry, once you do, if you get that far, she’s not half-bad in bed.”

Their shopping bags dropped to the tiled floor with a thud, and Drew released Lacey’s hand. He grabbed Kevin by his T-shirt with his left hand and pulled back his now-fisted right. Lacey gasped, and someone grabbed his elbow, right as he was about to ram his fist into Kevin’s jaw.

“He’s not worth it,” Ethan said with a stern voice. “Don’t do it, Drew.”

Heat rose throughout Drew’s entire body. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breathing hastened. He tugged his arm out of Ethan’s grasp and gripped the fabric of Kevin’s shirt. Not even an inch separated their faces.

“You’re lucky he stopped me, or you’d be on the floor right now. I never want to see your face again. Do you hear me? If I ever get wind that you so much as looked in Lacey’s direction, I will finish what I just started and no one”—Drew glanced at Ethan, who stood with his arms crossed next to him—“will be able to stop me. Do. You. Understand. Me? She’s my girl now, and, unlike you, I’ll protect and take care of her. Got it?”

Kevin’s lips twisted into a smug smirk. “Dude, you can have her… I already have.” He brought his gaze to Lacey. Drew lunged forward, but Ethan pulled him back again. “Have a nice life with pretty boy… if he doesn’t get as bored as I did.”

Lacey’s eyes narrowed, and in a flash she landed a slap on Kevin’s cheek, the sound echoing through the lobby. Instantly, a red mark the size of her hand appeared on his face.

“Don’t you ever speak about him like that again. Drew is everything you will never be. You can say what you want about me. I really don’t care. But do yourself a favor and treat Candi the way a woman should be treated—with respect.”

Candi walked in, oblivious to what had just transpired. “Sweetie, our car is here.” She stopped short. “What happened? Why is your face all red?”

Lacey snapped her head toward Candi. “Word of advice… just because something looks good on the outside doesn’t mean it is onthe inside.”

“What?” Candi tilted her head to the side.

Grabbing Candi’s hand, Kevin smiled as if all was good in the world. “Nothing, babe, don’t pay attention to her. Let’s get out of here and go have some real fun.”

Once they were gone, Lacey turned to Drew and Ethan. “Sorry about that.” She shook her hand in the air. “Wow, that stung. I’ve never hit anyone before.”

Ethan chuckled. “Come on, I’ll get you both a drink.” Lacey started to follow Ethan, but Drew didn’t move. Blood rushed through his veins; for the first time in his life, he was angry with Ethan. He understood why he’d stopped him from punching Kevin, but at the same time Drew had wanted to put the guy in his place.

“Drew?” Lacey stepped toward him and placed her hand on her forearm. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He bent over and picked up the shopping bags, meeting Ethan’s gaze. “We’re going to go put our stuff away, change into our swimsuits, and then we’ll be back down.”

Ethan nodded. “Are we good, man? I didn’t mean to interfere, but you looked like you were ready to knock him out. I can’t have that at the resort. I wanted to deck him, too, but this isn’t the place.”

Drew understood, but that didn’t mean he agreed. He needed time to cool off.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Drew brought Lacey’s hand to his lips. “Give us twenty.”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance