Page 6 of Last Chance Omega

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He moved faster, taking the stairs two at a time. With a groan, he dropped me to my feet, then pushed me against the wall on the landing. “You were always so fucking beautiful, Zaley. If we didn’t leave when we did…” His jaw snapped shut on the words, and then his lips were on mine. It felt familiar and different all at once. His lips were hard and desperate as they moved over mine, his hands falling down my spine to grip my ass.

I moaned and arched against him, rubbing my core against his hard dick. He hissed, pushing off the wall and carrying me the short distance down the hall to the bathroom, setting me down on the vanity and stepping away. Then he kept moving away until he was out the door.

“I’ll grab you some clothes,” he panted, slamming the door shut.

I breathed through my nose like I’d run a marathon and wondered what the fuck happened to my planned, orderly life.


When I madeit back downstairs, the guys were all sitting around the scarred old dining table. There were grilled cheeses and big bowls of tomato soup on the table, and I swallowed hard. My favorite meal. They’d remembered. I mean, it hadn’t been that many years, but I didn’t know they were even paying attention.

“Come and eat,” Xander growled, and my feet moved of their own accord. I narrowed my eyes at him, pissed he’d used his Alpha voice on me.

“If you don’t curb that shit, we’re going to have problems. Don’t tell me what to do,” I hissed, and he had the audacity to raise a single eyebrow.

“Don’t fool yourself, Cupcake. I think you’d love it if I told you what to do. Get on your knees. Don’t move. Beg.” He gave me a hot look. “Come for me,” he purred.

The heat that washed over my body like an wildfire told me he was probably fucking right.

Victor took pity on me and elbowed his brother in the ribs. “Cut it out.”

They had some kind of silent battle, and Will stood, pulling out my chair. And it wasmychair, the one I’d sat in every time their mom made us stop playing long enough to eat lunch. Funny how old habits died hard.

I fell onto my food like a savage, pushing down the nostalgia. Other than the couple of protein bars the guys had given me on our way down the mountain, who knew when I’d eaten last?

I made a mental note to call my roommate, who hadn’t so much as messaged me since I’d disappeared. I hoped she was okay. What if I’d Omega Body Slammed her on the way out the door and she was lying in a coma on our dorm room floor?

I should also try and track my car. Luckily, I had an app for that. When I’d sold Ma’s house, I’d paid off her hospital bills and had just enough left over for a new car. It had all the fancy tech, including a LoJack.

“What are you going to do now?” Will asked, his features twisted in empathy.

I frowned at him. “Go back to school and pretend this never happened.”

Xander snorted. “Don’t be an idiot, Zaley. Denial isn’t going to help you here. You can’t go back and sink your money into becoming a lawyer, knowing they won’t let you sit the bar exam.”

I waved a fork in his direction, smiling pleasantly. “Fuck you, Xander. Again, you don’t get to tell me what to do.”

Victor lifted a hand to stop me from storming away from the dinner table. “Nothing has to be decided tonight, and you can stay with us as long as you need to. No one is going to know you're an Omega here.”

“They can’t even tell we’re Alphas, and sometimes I want to choke on the testosterone that pours off us when we’re fighting or mad,” Will added.

“Or horny.” Victor grinned. “So theoretically, they shouldn’t realize you’re an Omega either, if you want to keep it a secret for a little while.”

I ran my hand down my face. “I want to finish my degree. I worked so hard.” It sounded like a whine, but if I was ever allowed to pout about something, I figured this was it.

“Maybe you can finish your classes online?” Victor murmured, though I wasn’t sure he was talking to me or himself. I’d given him a problem to solve, and Victor loved problems. I had complete faith that he would find or create a solution.

“And what about exams?” Xander raised an eyebrow. He found and created the problems. The ass.

Victor shrugged. “It’s for a few hours at a very stressful time. Maybe the smell of anxiety and armpit sweat would mask her scent?”

Hope buoyed me for the first time since I’d woke in that muddy hole. Could I keep my dream and be an Omega?

“And what? She just stays here? With us?” Will’s eyes were impossibly wide, and if he was anything like me, I was pretty sure he was thinking back to the kiss on the landing.

I wanted to protest too. I wanted to go back to my dorm. Back to my life. But the idea of leaving these three, of going back to my college dorm, made something inside me chill. The Omega. That horny bitch protested the very idea of leaving these three prime specimens behind without tasting them like a man-meat buffet.

It was fucking weird, this almost alien urge that was now inhabiting my body. She wanted to stay with these Alphas who made her feel safe. Who she knew and loved.

Tags: Grace McGinty Paranormal