Page 21 of Last Chance Omega

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Will laughed. “That kind of applies to Xander too.” He shook Teller’s hand. “Thanks for coming, man. Zaley was handing those fuckers their ass, but having the law as backup never hurts, and it saved us from doing something that might cause an international incident.”

“Like putting them down like rabid dogs and burying their bodies in the woods,” Xander grunted.

Teller’s eyes went wide. “I’m going to pretend I never heard that.” He tipped his hat at the guys, then turned back to me. “I’m glad we could be here for you, Za. And I’m happy you and these three got together finally. Everyone in town knew you were meant to be. Even the biddies who’d have a heart attack at the idea of a woman having more than one husband could never pick which one you should end up with. I think you’ll be surprised how easily Last Chance is going to accept your new status.” His grin was mischievous. “I’ll see you guys around.” He sauntered back to the squad car, and the Sheriff waved as it rolled its way back down the street.

Victor opened the front door, and Will scooped me up into his arms so he could carry me across the threshold. “Welcome home, Omega.” I laughed, and Victor leaned down to kiss me.

“Welcome home, Zaley Yale.” My chest felt too full, and I kissed him back, pouring all the emotion I could muster into the embrace.

Xander toed off his shoes. “Let’s go christen her bed.” He snatched me off his brother and took the stairs two at a time, kissing me as he went. It was actually pretty impressive.

Victor paused in the doorway of my room. “Oh shit.”

I spun in Xander’s arms. “What… Oh my god!”

In the middle of the bed was my cat, McKnight, and snuggled up against him was a whole bunch of kittens. I mean, against her. Obviously a her.

I could hear Victor counting the tiny, squirming bodies. “Nine kittens.”

“How did we not know she was a girl?”

“Not like we could get close enough to check out her business end without getting shredded, dickhead.”

“How did we not know she was fucking pregnant with a small army?”

I shook my head at the guys bickering, walking toward McKnight. “No wonder you followed me off the mountain, hey girl? You wanted the best nest ever for your babies?” She looked up at me with hooded eyes, like she was perfectly content. “I think we’ve found the best place for us both now. We’ll help you take care of them.”

I straightened and shooed the guys back out of my bedroom. “Let’s rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to fuck me in their bed first.” The guys had their fists out before I even finished. When Victor won, he scooped me up and ran towards his room.

I laughed as I clung to my new mate, and thought about Fate. She was a fickle bitch, but sometimes, she fixed the things she’d broken, until they worked out just how they were always supposed to be.

* * *

The End

Tags: Grace McGinty Paranormal