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Shavon looked at Georgie, so like her mama. “Yes, I know what you mean and I’ll do my best.”

“Good, you go change that baby and I’ll get the stuff from the car.” Grace started out to the car but turned back. “You’ll learn about changing her and lots of other things about babies. If you can smell it, it’s time to change her. Sometimes the odor is just gas but most often it’s not. Go on in now.”

Shavon started toward the door then stopped and turned back. “Oh, did the furniture I ordered arrive yet?”

Grace looked around the open hatch. “Some of it. The twin beds, some bookcases, three dressers, six nightstands and a new sofa and chairs for the living room.”

“Good. I’ll have to take a look,” She looked down at the baby in her arms. “After I change Miss Georgina.”

Shavon carried Georgie into her bedroom. The room was down the left hall from the living room which was in the middle of the house. It was next to Shavon’s bedroom, which they passed on the way to Georgie’s. The rooms had a connecting door.

The right hall had the dining room, library, Shavon’s office and the kitchen.

Shavon had told Grace to do what she wanted with Georgie’s bedroom and Grace had outdone herself. The walls were covered with rainbows, unicorns, and mermaids. The carpet was blue to match the sky and the ceiling. The crib had a pink comforter with mermaids that matched the ones on the walls.

When Grace came in carrying the bags from Walmart, Shavon turned toward her. She was a terrific woman and Shavon was so grateful she decided to stay on.

“Grace, this is wonderful. Did you do this all yourself?”

She laughed. “Oh heavens, no. I’m not this talented. I found a carpenter, as you asked me to do. The young man was available and so I hired him. He also likes to paint as well as being a terrific carpenter. You’ll be pleased, I promise.” Grace turned to leave the room but turned back. “Oh, he also needed a place to live, so he and his son are in bedroom number four upstairs. It has two twin beds and worked out perfectly.”

“Grace, do you think having an unmarried man living here with us is the best idea? Won’t that cause gossip? I don’t want to be on the receiving end of such gossip before we’re even opened.”

The older woman placed her hands on her hips. “Shavon Montgomery don’t be such an old fuddy-duddy. This is the 21st century. Those worries went out with the 20th.”

Shavon sighed. “You’re right.” She was overcompensating for Sophie’s problems and not allowing any man within 200 feet of her because of them. She knew she was being ridiculous but found it hard to be any other way.

She carried Georgie over to the changing table and put on her little safety belt that kept her from rolling off. After she removed the dirty diaper, she threw it in the trash can and grabbed a new one from the top drawer of the attached dresser. Grace had everything set up perfectly.

Georgie laughed and kicked, then pounded her legs on the table, then grabbed at her feet with her hands and kicked some more. She laughed and babbled. “Mummummum.”

“What are you saying, baby girl? Hmm? Can you say Auntie Shavon?”




Shavon laughed. “I guess that’s close enough.”

“I’d say she did pretty good,” said a deep baritone voice behind her.

Shavon screamed. Her heart beating a hundred miles a minute she turned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Brody James, the carpenter Grace hired.” He held his hand out. “I’m sorry I frightened you. Truce?”

She held up her hands. “I have to wash these first.” He had the most amazing eyes, almost aqua rimmed with a black line around the iris. He seemed to be happy just looking at her. She hadn’t had that reaction from someone since Steve and that didn’t end well. Steve kept secrets. Secrets that destroyed their relationship. But she wouldn’t think of Steve. She would remember that this man worked for her and that was all. Her heart slowed and her mouth turned up on one side. Then she smiled. “Truce.”

“My son, Davy, is with Grace in the kitchen. He’s fascinated with your daughter, and he hasn’t even met her yet. He’s never been around other small children.” He nodded toward Georgie. “ I hope you don’t mind if they get to know each other. When you’re done, of course.”

The way he stared at her…she shouldn’t stare back, and yet she couldn’t look away, either. “I don’t mind at all. Georgie is my niece, not my daughter, and it will be good for her to have someone more her size to play with. And it will allow me to get some work done, too. I’m an attorney, but I plan on doing a lot of the cleaning and painting myself, so I should be thanking you.”

He chuckled. “It looks like we are benefiting each other. That’s the perfect arrangement.”

“Yes, I guess we are. I wanted to talk to you about the job you did in this room.” She unbuckled Georgie from the table and set her on the floor. “There you go, baby girl.” Shavon stopped and sniffed the air. “Mmm. I smell cookies. Shall we go find a cookie? I bet Grace has some fresh ones, just for you.” She looked around at Brody. “And your son, too.”

Georgie toddled toward the door.

Tags: Cynthia Woolf Romance