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He dropped like a stone and didn’t move.

Three more men jumped into the room through the window. One of them unlocked the door and opened it wide.

Ryan ran in from the kitchen and shot one of the men. He fell to the floor and didn’t move.

The two remaining men returned fire from behind the door. The first man picked her up, fireman style, and ran out of the house. She knew she covered most of his back and Ryan wouldn’t risk hitting her, even with his skills.

She struggled to get away but the man held her too tight.

Both assassins ran to a waiting SUV.

Where had that come from? Why didn’t she hear it? The men must have walked in, but why didn’t she see them?

Paul had said only three assassins had come on the journey to Twin Bluffs. Obviously, he was wrong. There were four because one was still in the SUV on the passenger’s side.

The man shoved her in the backseat, jumping in with her. While the third man jumped in the driver’s seat.

“Oww.” She thought she’d pass out. The sudden sharp pain from being practically tossed in the backseat, was almost too much. She turned and watched Ryan out the window.

He fired from the porch, but the glass was bullet proof.

The SUV drove off, down the long driveway full of ruts and holes which didn’t seem to bother the driver at all. He never slowed the vehicle.

Kaylie pressed her hand on her side and then brought it in front of her. It was bloody…fresh, bright red blood, yet the pain had eased some. She must be in shock. She knew the other two assassins would never be bothering anyone again. She’d shot the first one and Ryan, the second which was why Vinnie sent four. Distractions. Cannon fodder. Expendable. That’s what these men were. Useful only if they got Vinnie who he wanted. Her.

She wasn’t about to be taken without a fight. Her hands were free. She patted the slender, brown-haired man on the shoulder.

He turned toward her.

Kaylie reared back and let go a swing to his nose. She heard the cartilage break.

He screamed and grabbed his nose with his left hand and backhanded her with the right.

She slumped against the door.

There was a man in the passenger side of the SUV. He turned and faced her.

Kaylie’s eyes widened, her body trembled and her pulse raced. She looked into the smiling face of Vinnie Rizzo.

“Hello, Kay.”

* * *

Ryan cursedand ran to his truck and turned over the ignition. Nothing.What the heck?He popped the hood and got out. When he lifted the hood, he saw the problem. He was missing two sparkplug wires. He had a spare set in the garage but the helicopter would be faster.

He’d specifically left the driveway rough so he wouldn’t be bothered by anyone like a reporter. Now, he’d watched the SUV fly over the ruts like they didn’t exist and he wished he’d paved it so he could follow faster.

He knew even if he caught the SUV his ‘copter was too small to be a threat to such a large vehicle. He took his binoculars from the back seat of his truck and climbed onto the roof. He saw the SUV at the end of his driveway and watched to see which way they turned when they reached the highway.

They turned right and he knew they were headed to the airport. But he also knew the ‘copter would reach the airport before they did.

He grabbed his rifle from the truck and ran for the helicopter, jumping the corral fence and then running again until he reached the aircraft. All he cared about was Kaylie. She’d been hurt. How bad? Would they get her medical treatment? What was he thinking? Of course not. Rizzo wanted her dead, but obviously not right away, so Ryan still had a chance to save her.

He lifted off and headed toward the airport. He dialed 911 on his way and explained the situation. He had to prevent Kaylie from getting on that plane.

* * *

She swallowed.“What are you doing here, Vinnie?” She did her best to keep the tremor from her voice.

Tags: Cynthia Woolf Romance