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She stopped and looked his way. “Yes?”

“Thank you for not leaving and for getting me out of the past into what I hope is a great future.”

She smiled and nodded. “You’re welcome.” Then she continued on her way.

I wonder if I also helped him see me. Will he want me to come back after I testify before the grand jury? Maybe to begin a new life for both of us?

* * *

Vinnie Rizzo calledall his lieutenants to his office along with his consiglieri.

He paced his office behind his desk. “I want her found. She can’t be hiding that far away. Use your contacts in the government and find her." He sat and then pounded his fist on the desk. “Well? What are you waiting for? Go! Richard, you stay.”

His consiglieri, Richard Wainwright, sat in front of the desk. “What can I do for you, Vinnie?”

“You can make sure I stay out of prison. I’m out on bail now but if she testifies, I’m in real trouble.”

“If she does, there is little I can do. She has the books to back up her testimony. She might even have more than that, since she was present at several of your meetings. She has the information to get you put away for a long time on manslaughter and racketeering charges.”

Vinnie paced behind his desk, in front of the large picture window that looked down on Manhattan from the sixty-fifth floor of the Chrysler building. “You think I don’t know that. Find her, Richard. Put a price on her head. Fifty thousand. Alive. I want to make her suffer.”

“All right. Consider it done.” He stood, picked up his briefcase from the floor, turned to leave and then turned back. “I suggest you make plans to leave the business temporarily…just in case.”

Rizzo waved him off. “I’ve already done that.”

Richard nodded. “Good. I’ll keep you apprised of any developments.”

Vinnie came around the desk and took Richard’s free hand in both of his. “Thank you. Are you coming to Sunday dinner?”

He covered Vinnie’s hand with his free one and smiled. “Of course. You know I can’t resist Mama’s spaghetti and meatballs.”

Vinnie laughed and released him. “No one who’s had them can. I just hope she’ll pass on the recipe to Maria before she dies.”

“You and me both.” Richard left.

Vinnie sat and then called his contact in WitSec. They had to know where she was and, when he found her, he’d make her pay.


December 3rd

Kaylie was restless.She looked out the window above the kitchen sink and saw lots of cattle. She had just over six weeks left before she testified and she was already tired of hiding. Christmas was almost here and she wanted to just be a regular person again. Not Kay. She was now Kaylie, forever, but that wasn’t so bad. Kaylie was having a much better time than Kay would be. Vinnie had probably put a price on her head but if she followed instructions, she should be safe, but what about after the hearing? What would she do then? Would the bounty still be on her?

Ryan was at the table enjoying his second cup of coffee and reading the paper.

She needed to do something. “Ryan, would you teach me how to ride a horse?”

He folded his paper and looked at her. “Sure. That’s a good skill to have on a ranch. I should have thought of it myself. When do you want to learn?”

She slammed a fist into the air. “Yes! I want to learn now. Today.”

He gazed around the kitchen. “Are you done in here?

She nodded. “I am. Do I need to wear anything special?”

He looked her up and down. “I don’t suppose you have a pair of boots with a heel, do you?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. I guess whoever did my shopping thought cowboy boots would be good for a ranch. I’ll go put them on.” She hurried to her room and traded her tennis shoes for the boots. They fit like a glove and were comfortable, which surprised her.

Tags: Cynthia Woolf Romance