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Two Years Later

“Any luck?” my wife asks me as her hands snake around my shoulders.

“No. I don’t know how she stays hidden this well.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be found. Remember, you have no idea what she’s been through.”

My hands freeze over the keyboard. I’ve been staring at this screen for hours on end each day trying to find the girl who is supposed to be my sister. I can’t help but think she is involved with the Bratva. It would make sense. That’s how she is able to stay hidden so well.

I grab onto Nina’s hands and pull her close, into my lap. “I’ll find her, but I don’t need you to worry.”

She looks down, picking at her fingernails. She has always done this. It’s not even a nervous tic anymore; it’s just something she does. Ever since she moved in, I have taken note of almost everything.

She hates sugar in her coffee. Her showers need to be scalding hot. Her nails always need to be painted.

“You can’t tell me not to worry—your eyes are turning purple from lack of sleep.”

“As long as yours aren’t, then I’m doing something right.”

She leans in and kisses me softly. “I know you need to work on this, but we also need to get the house ready for the little one.”

The little one.

Hearing her talk about our child fills my heart with joy. I never thought I would have a family, but here I am.

Here we are.

Nina is finally mine after all these years.

I place my hands on her belly and place a kiss in the center. “I love you.”

“Me or the baby?” She snickers.

“Both. And that terrifies me.”


“I know, I don’t need to worry, but I do. I want to keep my girls safe.”

“He’s gone. Kirill isn’t here to complicate things anymore.”

“You’re right.” I nod to rid of any negative thoughts I have.

It’s been an entire year and there has been no news on the Stepanovs. Maybe killing Kirill was the best thing I could have done to keep her safe. What makes me nervous is that I haven’t heard anything on Mikhail.

“Can you take a look at this?” I ask, pulling up something on my computer. “It should be everything we need for her.”

She takes her time scrolling through everything on the list. I hope she appreciates it. I hired an interior designer to decorate our child’s room because I know that’s what Nina would want. I didn’t tell her about it because I wanted to see the smile on her face.

There it is. That goddamn perfect smile. The one I’d do anything for.

“This is amazing.” She chokes back a sob. “But I have something better.”

I raise an eyebrow at her as she leaves the living room.

A couple minutes pass. Curiosity getting the better of me, I get up and walk down the hallway to her.

Tags: Kyra Irene Romance