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Sarah blushes at my question, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of red. “Umm… do you want to come in? We should at least have a conversation longer than five minutes before I decide on something that big.”

An in, that’s all I need. And for the second time, Sarah has given me one.

We step inside and I take note of the simplicity of Sarah’s home. No TV because she prefers to read or be on her computer. Her computer set up is massive, more of a station than a desk, sporting three monitors and two heavy-duty-looking CPUs. I don’t know what she needs it all for, but it looks pretty serious.

“I’m not a hacker.” She laughs when she notices me gawking at her station. “I do some gaming and the setup is also useful when I write code or design a website. Rebecca paid me pretty well, so I splurged a bit.”

Her face drops as she thinks about the job she lost. Pulling her in for a hug, I whisper, “I’m sorry, baby. I hate how it all played out, but honestly, I’m not mad at the results. Forever Love sounded like a terrible place to work.”

“I don’t think terrible is a strong enough adjective to describe what it was like there. I only put up with it because the pay was so good and the work was easy.” Sarah shrugs, leaving the past behind. “Oh well, I have some savings to float me until I find something else.”

“With this hardware, you could go into business for yourself,” I suggest.

“Maybe. Now, Mr. Hicks… I found out your last name from Amber, by the way… let’s sit down and get to know one another.”



Best. Day. Ever.

Mark and I talked until the sun went down, learning enough about each other to fill a short book. We made a delicious lunch, working together seamlessly in the kitchen. Not used to interacting so much for so long, I had to take a break. I was worried about how Mark would take my request, but he simply shrugged and asked when he should come back. In the end, I didn’t want him to leave. So, he went home and got some briefs to work on in the small breakfast nook while I stuck to the living room. It was bliss. Having someone accept and respect my boundaries.

I know enough now to trust that Amber was right— I did meet my future last night. She was beside herself with excitement when I told her about meeting Mark and everything that happened at the dinner, taking undo credit for everything. When I called her out on it, she claimed, “I’m a lawyer. We make things happen.” That makes no sense, nor is she an actual lawyer yet, but who am I to burst her bubble?

I also know enough to say that I want his lickable body on mine… and I want it now. I can still feel the kiss from last night, the way he nibbled on my lips and swirled his tongue with mine. More of that, please.

“Okay? You seem to be thinking pretty hard over there,” Mark asks. We’re doing the dishes, having just finished up with dinner— because yeah, it’s that late.

“I’m good. Just thinking about Amber and us.”And sex.

“Yeah, so much time wasted.”

“Wasted? What do you mean?” I have a feeling what he meant. It’s how I feel that we should’ve listened to her earlier. If we had, we would have been together already and not had to deal with any of that bullshit last night.

“Wasted because we could’ve been past this getting-to-know-you stage and halfway down the aisle by now. But we’re here now and that’s all that matters.” He looks off to the distance with a tiny smile.

Wow.… halfway down the aisle? I’m just trying to think of a non-trashy way to say “fuck me now, please” and he’s trying to get hitched!

Mark’s head snaps to the side, staring me straight on, his blue eyes almost black. If I thought his voice was low before, I was sorely mistaken. It’s grown deeper, almost becoming a growl. “Any way you say it is non-trashy. I just need the words, baby.”

My inside thoughts leaked out again. No regrets or embarrassment this time— my absentmindedness is getting me what I want.

“Umm, so do you want to—” Bedroom. I was going to say do you want to go to the bedroom, but the five words I uttered were enough to jolt Mark into action.

I’m picked up bridal style —I’m starting to think this man does want to marry me— then carried into the bedroom, where Mark gently lays me on the bed. He follows me down, kissing me with more vigor but no less passion than he did last night. Our clothes seem to melt off as our hands explore each other’s bodies and soon we’re both down to nothing.

“Fuck, Sarah, these breasts are a work of art. They and your ass were the stars of my dreams.” Mark groans, lifting both heavy mounds in his large hands.

“Aww, not my sparkling personality? I’m hurt.” I fake pout. The package I could tell he was sporting was the star of mine.

He trails light barely there kisses down my neck, continuing until he lands at the start of my cleavage. “If you want, we can go back out front and chat some more. I have some great stories from my childhood I could tell you.”

“Stories later, Hicks. You’re busy.” Feeling bold, I push his head down, trapping him in my twin mounds.

“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbles, and then it starts.

Mark squeezes my breasts together, his talented tongue licking a path in the space between them… up, then down, over and over again. All the while, his thumbs rub a nonsensical pattern on my stiff peaks. Hands still on his head, I arch my back, pressing more of my flesh into his mouth, hands… anything that will keep this delicious feeling rolling through my body going.

Tags: Vonne B. Romance