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“I’m good. You can put me down now.” When people say, ‘I can see the conflict in his eyes,’ I never quite got what they meant, but I do know. Mark is going through some emotions. On one hand, he wants to respect my wishes, on the other he wants to hold on to me forever. Finally, he chooses a happy middle.

“How about this? I keep carrying you until we reach my car, then I’ll take you home. We don’t have to talk or even look at each other. I need to make sure you get home safe, Sarah. You were upset. I could tell you were overwhelmed even before the confrontation. That’s why I came over to the table.”

When he puts it like that, how can I say no? With just one look, he knew I was in trouble and was trying to offer me a way out. A safe haven of sorts. Maybe Amber was right. God, I hope she was.



It’s when Sarah tells me where she lives that some pieces start to click. Amber’s sudden acceptance of me coming tonight, Sarah and I’s matching outfits… amongst other little things. And the big one… her insistence on me to meet my neighbor. Because that’s what Sarah is— my mystery neighbor.

I want to ask her if she has a best friend and if so, what her name is, but I promised not to talk and I keep my promises. She’ll be fine once she decompresses. Social anxiety—according to Amber, but I’m leaning towards introvert, having limited knowledge of both. I had a roommate in college with the personality trait and he took care to explain the differences to me. I would visit the library or local coffee café when he needed time for solitude.

I’ll give Sarah all the time she needs. I’m not going anywhere. I’m literally right next door. How Amber knew Sarah would be perfect for me, I don’t know, but I’m giving that girl a raise first thing Monday. Granted, Sarah and I haven’t had a real conversation, but I trust my gut and it’s screaming, “She’s the one.” I’ll learn more about her and she’ll learn about me. Besides, Amber knows us both pretty well, and she has faith.

I make it to our building and walk Sarah to her door.

“Thank you,” Sarah says, going nervous all of a sudden.

“You’re welcome, baby. I do have one request, though. But only if you’re up to it.”

“Depends. What is it?”

“A kiss goodnight.” I’m pushing my luck, but those bee-stung lips of hers just beg to be kissed.

Sarah nibbles her lips, deep in thought. Finally, she takes a deep breath, then whispers, “Okay.”

Fuck me, that voice of hers goes straight to my dick. Reining my lust in, I curl my arms around her waist and gently slant my lips over hers, not wanting to scare her. Sarah gasps, opening her mouth just a sliver and without any thought I slide my tongue in, tasting the sweetness that is her. She moans, gripping my shoulders with her tiny hands.

The kiss deepens as Sarah leans in, sliding one leg up my mine until it wraps around my waist. I drop one hand down to her taut ass, caressing and massaging the round cheeks. A groan escapes my mouth as I grind into her, the heat of her wet core seeping into my pants. I know it would be good between us. I just didn’t expect it to burn so hotly.

“Sarah, baby,” I murmur, hating the loss of her lips. “Do you want me to come in?”

She hesitates, uncertainty flashing in her brown orbs. She’s not ready. The night has been too draining for her to put any energy into something like physical sex. I can wait. We have all the time in the world.

“It’s okay, hun. You go inside and do what you have to. I’ll stop by tomorrow afternoon, if that’s all right?”

Sarah lights up at my suggestion, proving my assumption was correct. I watch until she’s safe inside, then head to my apartment. Hopefully, she won’t be too upset. I didn’t tell her right away I live next door. Maybe she’ll find it as funny of a coincidence as I do.

* * *

“You know Amber!”

It’s not the greeting I expected, but I’m glad we’re getting straight to the matter. I tossed and turned all night, stressing over how Sarah would take the news of our outside connection. What if she thought I somehow set this up, not knowing that I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her livelihood?

I called Amber first thing this morning so I know why Sarah was there, and the pressure her boss put on her. I should sue that Rebecca person for back wages and overtime. I’m sure she didn’t pay Sarah for going to that event, one where she was technically working.

“I see you’ve talked to our resident matchmaker. She’s taking credit for us getting together, you know. I’m not sure how that works, but she swears it’s true.”

“Yeah,” Sarah laughs. “She won’t stop bragging about finding my ‘forever love.’ I’m starting to hate those two words.”

Not what I wanted to hear, but she hasn’t turned me away, so that’s a good sign. She might just be venting, not meaning she hates the idea of forever.

“Hmm. Well, I, for one, am a firm believer in the phrase.”

“You are?”

“I am. The question is… are you?”

Tags: Vonne B. Romance