Page 25 of Mafia Husband

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"Stelios, no—-"

But he's already planted me on the breakfast counter, and I forget what I have to say when he yanks my gown down to my waist.


My breasts pop out in an instant, and aside from looking more swollen than ever, I'm also still clearly lactating—-


Stelios bends his head and starts suckling on my nipple without warning.

Oh God!

"Your mama's milk tastes fucking sweet, wife."

"God, you're such a perv!"

But this only has him chuckling and suckling even harder...while his hands also start getting busy as he reaches under my gown to tear my panties off.

Oh God!

My husband doesn't stop suckling my breast even as he thrusts into me—-

Suck. Thrust.

Suck. Thrust.

Suck. Thrust.

And when he finally lifts his head, all I can do is grip the counter edge as he proceeds to fuck me harder and harder until my head starts to spin.

"I fucking love seeing your belly swollen with my baby—-"


"And your breasts," Stelios purrs. "Look at how your tits are squirting milk all over your body, wife—-"

"Oh my God, will you just shut—-aaaah!"

Stelios lazily licks the droplets of milk off my skin while his cock continues to shove in and out of my wet and quivering cunt.

God, oh God, I'm so, so close!

More milk squirts out as Stelios gives my nipple one last little bite, and I finally shatter with a cry.


It takes Stelios and me a good fifteen minutes before we rejoin everyone at the reception, and our sly-looking bride wants to know the reason of our disappearance.

"I had a wardrobe malfunction," I say truthfully enough.

Sheena lets out an unladylike snort. "Not buying it."

"It's true," I protest. "Stelios had to help me with it, so he, um, placed me on the cunt-er—-"

Everyone gapes at me, and it takes me a moment to realize what I've just said.

"I mean counter," I hastily correct myself, but it's already too late.


Stelios is still grinning when we're finally at our table while I'm still too busy of thinking of ways to kill myself for my Freudian slip.

"Stop beating yourself up, glikiá mou. It's natural for married couples to have fun on the cunt-er—-"

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I'm about to tell him it's also fun for husbands to sleep in the couch when my phone makes a beep as a new text message comes in.

Oh shit.

Stelios immediately sobers up when he catches the expression of dismay on my face. "What is it?"

"Have you ever heard of Strakh Inc.?"I ask anxiously.

"I have, yes."

"I've been warning Theía about them since day one, but she just doesn't listen, and now this!" I hand over my phone so he can read the text himself. "She's meeting with one of them! They'll never understand someone like my Theía. They're going to kill her—-"

"They won't."

"They will," I argue back.

"No, glikiá mou. I promise you they will not."

"Please don't tell me you're like everyone else? Contrary to what most other people think, I honestly think Strakh Inc. is just made up of rich old freaks—-"


His gentle tone has me blinking in surprise. "What?"

"Just take my word on this. Strakh Inc. isn't as bad as you think—-"

"But how can you sound so sure of that?"

"Because one of those rich old freaks you mentioned—-" Stelios' expression turns wry. "—-is me."

The End

Tags: Marian Tee Romance