Page 41 of Strictly Pleasure

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“He did?” I lean forward, excited. “Oh my God, did you video it?”

Ava excitedly gets her phone out and scrolls until she reaches the right video. “You’re seriously going to die when you watch this.” She turns the phone around so Lauren and I can see the screen as music blares out of the speaker.

“Will Smith?” Lauren says, lifting a brow. “Your son and I are going to have a talk about life choices…” Her voice fades away as Liam comes on the screen, rapping “Getting Jiggy Wit It” word-for-word as he dances around Ava’s kitchen. Charlie lets out a watery gurgle, and then does it again, and Ava zooms the camera in on him as he watches his uncle with pure delight on his face.

“Oh Jesus, my ovaries just came out of deep freeze,” Lauren mutters. “Can you stop with the hot guys and baby?”

“I can’t help it.” Ava shrugs. “It’s the only way we can get Charlie to laugh. I made Liam come over again this morning and it still works.”

“I guess there won’t be any more laughing for the rest of the week with Liam gone,” I say before I think it through.

Ava looks at me, her brow raised. “What?”

“How do you know if Liam will be here or not?” Lauren asks.

I shake my head. “Because I’m doing his forecasts, remember? And I needed his itinerary. I know he’s off to New York tomorrow.”

“You two looked pretty cozy at the gala on Saturday,” Lauren says, grimacing at the green smoothie the waiter just delivered. She’s on some kind of detox which must be a living hell for her since she owns a bakery.

“We were just talking about the auction,” I say. “It’s part of my role to be nice to the donors.”

Ava tips her head to the side but says nothing. This is probably awkward for her since Liam is her brother-in-law.

“We’re friends,” I tell them.

And of course they both burst out laughing.

“It’s true.” My protest barely registers through the volume of their giggles. “We agreed to stop annoying each other and be nice.” I look pointedly at Ava. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”

“Well yes, I guess.” She smiles at me. “Although I was hoping Lauren was right and it was just unfulfilled sexual tension between you both.”

“Oh I don’t think Liam’s anywhere near unfulfilled,” I say. “He’s got a date tomorrow night.”

“He does?” Lauren asks. She looks at Ava. “Who’s it with, do you know?”

“I try to know as little about my brother-in-law’s love life as possible,” Ava says dryly. “Especially now that I know his one night rule.”

“Doyouknow?” Lauren asks me.

I shrug. “No idea. Just said he was taking her out for dinner and wanted to know whether he should book a table outside or inside.”

“Do they have outside tables in New York?” Lauren wrinkles her nose. “Won’t all those traffic fumes get in the food?”

“Myles and Liam know all the best places to eat,” Ava says. “He’ll probably take her to their favorite Italian place, it has this gorgeous courtyard that’s to die for.” Her eyes light up. “What I wouldn’t give for some of their mushroom ravioli right now.”

“I guess those Salingers know how to woo their women,” Lauren says.

“They do.” Ava sighs. “Myles is such a romantic.”

Lauren and I exchange glances.

“Okay, so this part of the conversation is officially over,” Lauren says, because neither of us want to imagine that. “How’s work going?” she asks me. “Have you killed Michael yet?”

“Not yet.” I grin. “I think he wants to kill me though. He’s still annoyed at me for changing my auction lot.” I’m riding on a high from that. And he’s keeping his head down which is good.

We start talking about our plans for the weekend. I tell them about Madison’s birthday on Friday – we’re all heading out to a bar to celebrate. But I don’t tell them about my plan to meet with Liam and confess the truth.

What I need to say is between him and me. I’ve made enough mistakes. I don’t want them to know before he does.

Tags: Carrie Elks Romance