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I hit him like a battering ram, causing air to explode from his lungs as he spluttered, “Oooph.”

Before he could regain his breath, I slammed my mouth down on his, buried my fingers in his overly long hair and held on tight.

He curled one thick arm underneath my behind, pulling me in snug against him.

Sadly, my tight dress barely allowed me to move.

The only good thing I could say about it was, my dress was riding up high and the gown I had on over my dress was doing a damn fine job at shielding my lower ass cheeks.

Not that there was anyone to see them.

The vestibule was still empty.

I pulled back with a gasp and said, “I don’t want you to see anyone else.”

Bain’s lip quirked as he drawled, “I’ve been waiting for hours to hear you say that.”

Then he moved until my back was against a wall next to the water fountain just on the other side of the door.

Then he was pressing me against the wall as he growled, “We can’t do this right now.”

I didn’t know what ‘this’ was, but I could guess. And my guess was downright depraved.

I wanted him. Right here and right now.

I didn’t care that there were thousands of people on the other side of the wall I was pinned against.

I didn’t care that they were probably getting close to calling my name.

I didn’t care that my friends and family who saw me leave probably knew exactly what was going on right now.

Allow yourself to have something good.

I pulled him away from me with a fistful of his hair and verbalized, “I want you to know that I suffer from depression.”

He looked at me like I was loony.

“I know.”


Even though I didn’t put voice to the question, he must’ve read the question on my face. Because he answered.

“Because I watched you,” he said. “Every single time you were around, my eyes were always on you. Every little thing you ever did or said, or the way you acted? I was aware.”

“That’s kind of the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me before,” I whispered. “That you were aware. That you were paying attention.”

He picked his hand up and curled one of my stray strands of hair behind my ear where I’d tucked it at the beginning of the ceremony.

“I’ll give you whatever reassurance you need,” he continued, “but let me tell you something, right here and right now and you believe it.”

I blinked at him curiously. “Okay?”

“Whatever you think about yourself? You’re wrong. You’re everything and anything I could’ve ever wanted. My brother was a dumb motherfucker for letting you go. And I can tell you right now, right here, that I’m going to capitalize on his mistake.”

I licked my lips, causing his eyes to focus on my mouth.

He ground into me as he breathed, “Now’s not the time.”

Was he trying to convince himself or me?

I didn’t know.

What I did know was this was crazy. This was rash. This was… euphoria.

I’d never felt this level of… excitement. Of anticipation. Of want and desire. Of absolute, utter happiness.

Happiness wasn’t something that I got to experience very often.

My brain and my body just didn’t work like that.

At least, I hadn’t thought that it had.

But, to be completely honest, the only real times that I ever experienced ‘happiness’ were when Bain was around.

Holy shit, Bain was in control of my happy button.

“This won’t be easy,” I whispered as I tightened my legs around his waist. “This’ll actually be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done in your life.”

He grinned at me. “My brother won’t be a problem.”

I bit my lip just before sighing.

“I’m not worried about your brother,” I admitted carefully. “I’m worried about me. About what I’ll do to ruin this before it even starts.”

He tipped the chin that I hadn’t realized I’d dropped up, causing me to meet those green eyes of his.

“We’ll figure it out. Don’t write us off before we’ve even started,” he urged.

I groaned. “I’m shit at relationships. I…”

He pressed his mouth against mine, quickly and efficiently shutting me up.

“This may not be easy, but nothing worth something is.” He moved back so that I was no longer pressed to the wall.

I allowed my feet to drop, and he looked down at me with a soft look before he stepped away. “Go. Get your diploma. Then we’ll go eat. I’ll take you home. We’ll get some ice cream and then I’ll do what I’ve been all but dreaming about since you were seventeen and illegal.”

I snorted. “I was never illegal.”

“Maybe.” He paused. “Maybe not. Whatever. But I can tell you that I’ve had this stupid ‘you’re way too old for her and it’s kind of perverted’ crush on you since I saw you the night of your prom.”

I tried to wipe the smile off my face and couldn’t.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Gator Bait MC Erotic