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But before I can really relish the feeling, I feel the tip of Leander’s cock pushing through the ring that spreads my mouth so wide.

No wonder he had to use such a wide ring. Nothing smaller would have fit his thick cock.

His large hand reaches around to grasp the back of my head, enveloping my small skull. I have to turn my head sideways since he’s coming in diagonally, but it’s not a strain on my neck.

No, the only strain is going to be how rough I know he’ll fuck my throat. I lick his slit as he pushes further in. It’s the only bit of power I have before he takes it all away, so I relish it even though I’m eager for the complete power exchange. I lick, flicking my tongue back and forth, back and forth—

Until he grunts and shoves his cock through the ring and down my throat.

All of them owning me completely.

Fucking all my holes at once.

There’s nothing else to do but abandon myself completely. My eyes roll back in my head as Leander demands, “Come. Again.”

I drop down into the abyss of freedom even as my body starts to quake around all of their shafts penetrating me.

Chapter 47


The nipple clamps are the pretty little tear-drop kind, with a dangling gemstone hanging to add some tug and pull to the pinch.

With Hope blindfolded like this, she doesn’t even know it’s coming.

I can see Milo’s eyes locked on the nipple clamps, following every one of my movements intently. He is always so obsessed with her breasts.

They’re heavy and full, but she pumped a couple hours ago. Even though she doesn’t breastfeed the twins anymore, we still mix breastmilk in with their milk sometimes for added nutrients. Two years of breastfeeding also means her nipples are tougher than they were when we first met her.

So I set the tension on the little clamps to their hardest pinch because I want her to really feel it. I told her I wouldn’t take it easy on her, so she should expect nothing less.

Her nipples are already perky and pointed. Which means she’s turned on. So I ready the clamp and then set it on her right nipple.

She makes a sharp, surprised noise around the ball gag and I smile. Why oh why haven’t we invited Quinn over before?

Then I glance over at Milo, and I know. We weren’t complete before, and nothing was right with us.

But now we can truly all be totally free again. And it’s time to let loose.

Even though her other nipple is already peaked and perky, since she knows what’s coming now, I pinch it in my fingers roughly several times. Fuck, I love seeing her react to me.

Janus wraps her ponytail around his hand and drags her head back towards him. “Don’t move, pet. Or Daddy will punish you.”

Does she listen? Oh, of course not. She sticks her ass out towards his crotch. No doubt against his stiff hard-on.

He delivers a sharp smack against her ass. And then I clip the harsh clamp on her nipple and flick the little hanging gemstone.

Her whole body shudders.

I wave Milo forwards. “Play with her however you want, brother.”

He’s already kicked off his pants and he walks forward, cock stiff. The music has moved onto one of my favorite tracks, where a woman whispers over dark choir music, “Touch yourself. Masturbate.”

Milo does. He was always good at taking direction. But he’s not frantic about it. He just gently runs his hand up and down his cock in anticipation.

The three of us circle our woman, the mood growing more and more erotic.

Janus caresses her back, squeezing her ass luxuriantly when he gets to it. Milo takes over flicking the little hanging gems at her nipples. He seems fascinated with the way it makes her jerk and twitch every time, occasionally crying out into the gag. Her breasts always were so sensitive.

“I think it’s time to begin. Milo, do you want to put on the item we bought you?”

Milo’s breath sucks in, but he nods. He doesn’t move immediately, not before giving the nipple clamps a few last flicks and watching in awe at what it does to Hope.

But then he finally moves around her over to the coffee table in front of the big couch and picks out the one object that really made his eyes light up when Quinn explained what it did.

I’m a little sorry Hope has the blindfold on because she can’t watch him put it on… but then I decide I can just narrate it for her.

So I lean into her ear while I run my fingertips up and down her arms. “Milo’s putting his toy on,” I whisper, my lips just brushing her earlobe. “You know the one I mean. He’s slipping the tight silicone cock ring down his stiff shaft right now. And by the look on his face, even doing that feels good. But we both know it has so much more in store for him, don’t we?”

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic