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My back arches and I get wet, moistening the clitoris device that Janus pulls ever more securely against me by lifting up on the floss in my ass at the waistband. I let out a high-pitched cry of need into the ball gag.

“That’s exactly right, little pet,” Leander says. “We aren’t going to go easy on you. But you can take it.”

Yes. I want them to use my body. Push my limits so I can drop deep. So, so deep. I need the release.

Leander runs his fingers through my hair as he secures it in a low ponytail. He tugs my head backwards by it after he’s finished, and bent backwards at an awkward angle, Janus slips a blindfold over my eyes.

The lounge disappears and then it’s only my men and my legs shaky with anticipation holding me up.

Janus’s voice is a bit strangled as he says, “Jesus fuck, hand me the lube. I’m so hard and I need to fuck her now.”

“Ah ah ah,” Leander says. “We haven’t even put these pretty new nipple clamps on yet…”

Chapter 46


The paddle is hard on my ass. Much harder than Janus’s hand when he spanks me. But it’s the hard leather one from the toy haul, and I know he knows what he’s doing with it. He won’t hurt me.

So I give myself over to the sting. To the pain.

Daddy’s so good at paddling my ass.

Another blast lands, right on the thick of my rump before it meets my thighs. My flesh jiggles in reverberation all up and down my pussy, shuddering against the device at my clit. Which they still haven’t turned on. Probably for the best considering how I’m already so awash in sensation.

I can feel the warm body between my legs, and I don’t know if it’s Milo or Leander. Probably Leander since Milo so rarely actually penetrates me.

When there’s a strong hand grabbing the cock to feed it inside me, it feels like Leander’s hand. The cock is so fat and thick too.

Yes, it has to be Leander.

He pulls aside the little thong string so he can feed his cock into my pussy. Leander’s thick fingers massage around my lips as he does so and I groan—

Which earns me another smack from the paddle. Yeouch! That one stings! I bite my teeth into the rubber ball to help stifle any more noises as Leander settles the clit sucker back in place and then his cock starts to penetrate me.

Someone turns the clit-sucker on at the same time. Which makes me buck forward. Taking the cock deeper.

Oh God. My body shudders immediately. The clit-sucker is intense. I briefly remember that from the only other time they used one on me. But that was a long, long time ago and now it’s— I blink and tears stream out of my eyes into the blindfold. I’m not in pain, it’s just the intensity. So much happening at once.

Leander starts to fuck me slow. His hips thrust upwards from below as he penetrates me.

And then I feel Janus’s lubed cock nudging at my ass. He steadies his knee on the couch between both my and his brother’s legs. And then he starts pressing in.

Meanwhile, the device against my clit suckers away. Like a mouth but with more intense, focused suction.

Someone flicks the clamps at my nipples, and I scream into my gag as an orgasm erupts, shaking through my entire body.

Janus thrusts in. All the way. Not gently, either.

And it makes my orgasm arc higher. Pleasure burns like a suddenly lit firecracker through my body. Through my chest. Out through my fingertips and toes. Up to my scalp.

I’m barely coming down before thick fingers are tugging the ball out of my mouth. My stomach quakes with aftershocks. My toes point and stretch.

“Open wide,” Leander demands, and his voice isn’t where I expect. Holy crap—it is Milo fucking my pussy? But he’s so big.

When he and Janus thrust in at once it’s hard not to make a noise. But Leander is placing a big round ring in my mouth, so I have to stretch my mouth as wide as possible for it to fit. It’s difficult to focus while I’m being fucked so deep, but Leander’s fingers are nimble.

Soon, he has the ring in my mouth and attached to the harness strapped around my head. He makes sure it’s a snug fit.

“Now we’re all going to fuck you at once, pet. You’ll satisfy us until we’ve emptied ourselves in your holes.”

My muscles clench around Milo and Janus’s cocks. Milo makes a strangled, muffled noise. As if he’s gagged just like I was moments ago. In the dark of my blindfold, I imagine it—

I cry out around the O-ring in my mouth and clench down on Janus’s cock especially hard.

It was foreign to me at first, having a cock in my ass. But after two years, I’m plainly addicted to the feeling of fullness there. And when Milo thrusts in too, and it feels like they kiss inside me, separated by only the thinnest of walls—

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic