Page 43 of D!ckhead

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Dexhadneverhadto deal with so many bodies in a way this time-consuming, and while he worked with Hammer, it was well past 3 a.m. when they finished the job. His arms were falling off (at least not into the meat grinder), and his ass and thighs were sore after the fuck of his life. His pride, on the other hand, wouldn’t let him admit how tired he was.

He couldn’t wait to shower after this mess.

Getting to know Hammer better made him more restless, because not only did Hammer fuck like a God of Lust, but he also seemed to understand Dex in ways no one else could. He’d never told anyone the things he’d admitted to Hammer tonight.

And yet he’d gotten shot down, as if he were a fun experiment. Being that for another man didn’t usually bother Dex, as he preferred to get his rocks off and leave, but helikedHammer. Kinda admired him too, so being rejected felt as if Hammer was pulling out mid-sex and forbidding Dex from finishing himself off.

The impromptu butcher shop was spotless, and they both removed their clothes, leaving them in a plastic bag, for Cora to dispose of tomorrow. Hammer’s strong body was no less imposing when he was tired, and as they passed between the cat house and the home, Dex chose not to stop himself from feasting his eyes on the man he wasn’t allowed to have. The house was quiet and dark, but they didn’t bother to switch on the lights and followed the wall by touch, all the way to the guest bedroom where Hammer was staying.

Would they sleep naked? It wasn’t like Cora had left them spare pajamas. One thing could lead to another…

“You wanna shower with me? Would go faster,” Dex said, taking in one of the best asses he’d ever seen. It was firm, with just a bit of roundness, and he could imagine grabbing it while Hammer fucked him missionary-style. His gaze drifted up to the large tattoo on Hammer’s back. It featured Ghostface emerging from a stark black background with a bloodstained knife. But then Hammer faced him, and Dex met his gaze.

“No. You want to go first?” Hammer asked as if he hadn’t understood Dex’s suggestion.

In disappointing situations like this one, Dex could usually channel his urges elsewhere, but his source of distraction had been taken away. The endless stream of Grindr dick was held back by a dam called Hammer.

“Yeah, but could I get my phone now? I promise not to call Frank.”

A scowl passed over Hammer’s features, and as he stood still, glorious in the glow of the bedside lamp, like some kind of demon come to life on Earth, Dex found himself itching to step closer. Hammer spoke before he could have done that.

“I was thinking that it makes no sense to keep you here anymore. You may go home, as long as you come up with some story about not knowing where I am.”

For a moment Dex was too stunned to answer.

Hammer wanted to get rid of him.

Whether Dex was a nuisance to him now that he satisfied his sexual curiosity, or thought it was an honorable gesture after Dex saved his life, didn’t matter, because Dex wasn’t having it!

“What? You expect me to just go back to Frank after all this?”

“Wouldn’t it make sense? You’re on edge, and… I’m trusting you not to send the hounds my way,” Hammer finished, glancing toward the bathroom.

Dex was too tired for this shit. He went straight for the shower. “I’m not leaving! We’re not done here. Is it because you think I’ll fuck things up for you? I’m capable of more than driving around the junkyard and loading a bunch of old chairs on a truck.” Anger flooded his muscles with unresolved tension. He would not be underestimated.

“I never said you were,” Hammer said without missing a beat and followed him into the bathroom. “But what is the point of you rotting here with me, huh?”

The point was that Dex wanted to be around Hammer, but he couldn’t exactly saythatwithout sounding like a needy little bitch.

“You don’t know when you might need backup. Was I not useful today?” He shut the door of the shower stall so hard it bounced back and he had to do it again.

Hammer rested his hands on his hips, not at all bothered by his nakedness. “You were. Why do you feel more useful with me than at Frank’s?” he asked with a frown.

Dex yelped when icy water splashed his body from above, but he needed the moment of shock to keep his brain fresh, because otherwise he might say something horny about all the ways in which he could be useful to Hammer, and that would have gotten them nowhere.

“To Frank, I’m just his nephew. He keeps giving me easy, boring jobs, and each day looks the same. And then he’s surprised I’m trying to find something fun and exciting to do after work. With you, it’s been non-stop action. When I wasn’t rotting in a cell between tigers or stuck watching the laundry spin, that is. I met a fucking puma called Baby!”

He grabbed the jasmine soap, resigned to its flowery smell.

Hammer took his time, remaining silent for so long Dex was about to lose his patience, but he eventually answered. “Most days with me are pretty boring.”

Dex doubtedthat. “Are you afraid I’ll be a temptation?”

“I can control myself.”

Dex’s heart sped up, because that answer meant there was in fact something in need of controlling. Hammer wasn’t so indifferent to him after all.

But then his face fell and he washed himself with vigor, glad that the water was warming up. “I know what this is about. You don’t want me to come to the sex party.”

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance