Page 33 of D!ckhead

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“So in this creepy-ass holding cell of a basement, he’s got posters of bare-chested guys posing with their guns. I think to myself, that it’s a bit weird, but guys like him often have boners for guns, so whatever. But then…” Dex gave Hammer a knowing look and wiggled his eyebrows. “He pats me down, claiming he needs to check if I stole anything else, from one word to another, he’s doing a strip search, I end up bent over his desk, I, obviously, get a boner, ‘cause he’s this big bad bastard in camo, and let’s be honest, by that point he’s notsearchingbut fucking me with his fingers. I’m pretty enterprising, so I see this as an opportunity. I said I was sorry, and that I only stole the bullets to get his attention. Risky, I know, but he was knuckle-deep in me. He wanted it. I could hear him panting like some horny red bear. Are there red bears?”

Hammer dismissed the question with an impatient gesture. How could one horny story have so many segways? And yet, he wanted to hear all of it.

“He was confused for half a second, but not long after, I can hear the belt opening. He had a real big buckle, with, like, an eagle on it. And then he’s in me, on top of me, the desk is so rickety I’m afraid it’s gonna break apart under us, but man did that guy fuck like a demon. Ripped my T-shirt and had to bring me a new one. He didn’t last long, but I could barely walk the next day. It was a mixed bag, ‘cause he ended up giving me the bullets but telling me to never come back. I still have that T-shirt.”

It was so pornographic. Like one of those stories that supposedly never happened to anyone, and yet here was Dex, offering sex to the owner of the shop where he attempted theft, and then reviewing the guy’s performance.

And while there hadn’t been that many details to the story, Hammer’s mind filled the gaps, laying bare the scene. If he’d been there, walking in on the couple, he’d watch, and once Red Bear unloaded inside Dex, he’d be there to step in and take over.

What would be the harm in—

His breath caught when he realized Dex’s cock was at a ninety degree angle from his body. The bastard was getting off on this!

His tentative fantasies about Dex never showcased his tool, and definitely didn’t feature it in the state of arousal, so being confronted with it and knowing that Dex would get it on with Hammer was a bit of a shock. He wasn’t ignorant to how sex between men worked, but it was a bit… too much.

“Okay, you’ve wasted enough water. Get out.”

Dex noticed that his dick was once more painting in the steam on the plexiglass and had enough brain power to cover himself with a pink loofah. “Sorry, it is a fond memory. Just give me a sec. To be fair, this is your fault, becauseyoutook my phone and left me in a cage with cameras. If I’m gonna end up a porn star, it’s gonna be on my terms, not because I’m jerking off in front of a tiger.”

Hammer didn’t want to hear about Dex doing anything to his dick. “No seconds. Come out,” he barked, losing his patience while the murky waters of questionable desire sucked him in.

"You shouldn't rush a guy to come out.” Dex snorted, but did as told, still hiding his dick under the loofah. When he walked out, the scent of jasmine became overwhelming in its pleasant sweetness. It combined with the smell of Dex’s damp hair, with the sight of his wet, tattooed body, and Hammer was close to losing his mind.

He was writing off the whole thing as Dex being aseasyas the girls he liked, but there was no denying that an unexpected physical fascination has developed inside him and refused to let go.

There was only one thing he could do, so the cuff closed around Dex’s wrist. Ignoring the cry of protest, Hammer tugged Dex to the radiator and locked the other cuff on its pipe.

Dex was saying something, but by the time Hammer spotted the cockhead peeking out from behind the loofah, he had no more self-control left to deal with this. He headed for the door without another glance at the naked body offered to him.

“Hey! Not fair! Can I at least get my phone? I won’t message Frank or anything, I just wanted to let some people know I can’t make it!”

“For the last time, I will not give you your phone,” Hammer said, stepping away from the reach of Dex’s long, muscular arms. The sight of his naked body whirred around in Hammer’s head, with all its attractive parts tempting him to come back, but he needed a fucking breather. “Watch the laundry if you’re bored. I’ll be back when it’s done,” he said before fleeing the room like Baby had after she’d heard gun fire.

Chapter 9 – Dex

Twohoursandfortyfour minutes was technically not that long, but it was a mind-numbing eternity when one had to wait and watch the time pass on a tiny electronic screen. When the program finished, but the machine switched on for a surprise ten-minute spin cycle at the end, Dex screamed out in frustration. Hammer didn’t come to his rescue.

Of course. Because Hammer lived to torment him. At least when stuck in a bathroom, Dex didn’t have to worry about the odor of urine in the bucket or cleaning up after jerking off. It wasn’t his fault he’d gotten hard when telling that story. He hardly (pun unintended) even noticed at first, because he’d been so into telling Hammer about the hot prepper. But then Hammer left him as if he were a puppy that peed on the carpet and needed time out.

He was now respectfully soft but couldn’t guarantee how long that would last if Hammer kept scorching him with those gray eyes and walked around shirtless.

What time was it? There were no windows to see the sky through, and it was driving him nuts, but out of other options, he groaned and rubbed his face, waiting.

The spin cycle finished, prompting the washing machine to give a piercing shriek. He was about to get that bit closer and switch the buzzer off with his foot when the door opened, and the object of his desires and anger stepped inside dressed in a T-shirt featuring Baby’s face. No more pec show then.

“Had fun?” Hammer asked in that sexy yet emotionless voice.

Dex groaned, shaking his head. “If by ‘fun’ you mean almost-smashed-my-head-against-the-radiator-out-of-boredom, then yes.”

“You’re being so dramatic,” Hammer said and, at last, opened the cuff, releasing Dex from the pipe. The one on his wrist remained in place, but Dex chose not to question it. “Take your stuff out and hang it on the towel dryer.”

Dex followed the order, eager for a change after rotting here alone for the past three hours. He didn’t care about being naked anymore, because it wasn’t as though Hammer hadn’t seen him earlier. And if he hadn’t taken the bait yet, he might never. For all he knew, they might simmer in the dense sexual tension forever. Unless it had all been conjured by Dex’s horny brain in the first place.

Dex kneeled for better access to the washing machine. “You could have left me a book or something,” he grumbled, frustrated that if only Hammer said the word, he’d have gladly remained on his knees for a while longer.

“You’ll get your entertainment. We’re gonna watch some movies. Cora insists onThe Thing,” Hammer said, watching him hang the few items he owned on the heater.

Dex hid his face in his hands as bitterness overflowed, dominating his every thought. “I don’t wanna watchThe Thing! I want to suck your dick already! Why do you deny me? It’s not normal!” He hadn’t meant to say it this way, but the words came out of his mouth before he could think twice. Didn’t he deserve a bit of slack for being a good hostage, who didn’t try to run away or cause a fuss? “You took my phone, you took my porn, you leave me alone forhours, make me undress, and then leave me hanging!” He punched the tiled wall for good measure, grunting when the bones in his hand ached at the impact.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance