Page 26 of D!ckhead

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This kind of thing should have earned the author a spanking, and Hammer would have struck their ass until it bled, way beyond turning it the ripe shade Dex’s ass had been at the end of his punishment.

With a growl, he wiped his forehead with his forearm and grabbed another chunk of meat on the bone before pushing it into the industrial-sized grinder, which would turn the food into a mush Bandit could consume without the discomfort brought upon by his illness.

A whole day had passed since they’d arrived, and he wasn’t sure how much longer they’d be staying with Cora. If Ryker had any brains, he would have skipped town by now. But until Hammer established what was going on within the club and what Lion’s opinion on the matter of his brother was, he’d be lying low.

That meant helping Cora around her big cat sanctuary, spying on Dex, and taking the stupid ‘Am I Gay?’ quiz online. Like that had any chance of explaining why he couldn’t stop thinking about Dex’s legs spread, and his ass exposed by the jockstrap. Everything about Dex screamed easy access and the underwear was just the cherry on top. And even though he’d seemed subdued yesterday and slept like a log, Dex had tried to make conversation when Hammer had brought him breakfast, and his big brown eyes followed Hammer’s every move with the need of a bitch in heat.

But Hammer was intent on pretending the spanking hadn’t affected him at all because… because—

Because he didn’t understand why it had. Guys had never been of interest to him, not inthatway, and being exposed to Dex’s blatant flirting was doing something strange to him. Even at night he’d had no peace, haunted by strange dreams featuring landscapes of muscular flesh and brown eyes instead of the moon and sun in the sky.

So he started wondering: what was the worst that could happen if he satisfied his curiosity? It wasn’t as though anyone would believe Dex if he decided to bark about it.

Would he feed Dex his dick through the bars? Just walk in there, undress him, and fuck him into the mattress while the tiger watched? No, that would be too awkward. He didn’t like doing it in front of animals, whether they understood what was going on or not.

And what kind of sex did he want from Dex? Was he ready to touch a male body all over? Would he jerk Dex off? While he wasn’t sure if that was of interest, he wasn’t repulsed by the thought either, and watching Dex reacting to everything he did was a never-ending source of fun. The boy had turned into a puddle of trembling flesh on that spanking bench, and Hammer wanted to make it happen again.

The door opened, hitting him in the back, and he dropped his phone into a bucket of ground meat, but that was much less of a problem than his screen showingYou are 46% GAY. He dove for it in panic, hoping Cora didn’t get a glimpse.

“Oh, sorry,” she said, oblivious to the phone. “I didn’t see you there. How’s the meat going?”

“Two rabbits left,” he said before lifting the whole skinned carcass and dropping it into the mouth of the machine. It roared as soon as he switched it on. “Been just… checking my email.”

“Your boy was asking about you. He wanted to know if you can change the dressing on his face. What happened to him?” Cora asked, coming closer.

She wore a low cut black top with a pair of tight pants and high, zebra-print rubber boots. Her hair was up in a tidy ponytail, and even in this meat factory, Hammer sensed her sweet perfume.

He still found her attractive, though her nature made them incompatible as a couple. Too bad that out of all the women he’d ever dated, she’d come closest to someone he connected with beyond the bedroom.

Still, it was Dex, not her, Hammer had been drifting off to in his mind until it gave him the first hints of an embarrassing boner.

But if hewasbisexual, then how had he missed it?

Hammer put the final piece of meat and bone into the grinder and removed his latex glove before dropping it into trash. “I’m not sure you really want to know. You know how it is,” he said, meeting her gaze as he picked up the huge bowl of ground meat. He then placed it on the table where all the wild cat food was prepared.

She cocked her head. “Oh. Is he in… your line of work? Must be nice to get to share that.”

It would have been nice to be with someone who was wild in the bedroom and fine with Hammer’s lifestyle, but after ten years, that property patch still lay forgotten in Hammer’s drawer. Maybe he’d been unlucky, but any girl he’d attempted to be with in the long term checked out when the shit going on with the MC came too close. Or when she found out more about Hammer in general. Even the club hangarounds were freaked out by his morbid reputation and usually weren’t interested in anything beyond a fling.

Maybe that was why Dex remained on his mind so much? Following a long string of romantic failures, it was nice to be so openly adored, and have his dick described as a work of art that needed to be defended from the likes of Stefani.

But Cora didn’t know any of that, so he smiled, letting her fill in the gaps herself while she added all kinds of supplements to the meat.

“What about you?”

Cora shrugged. “I’ve got my kitties. If anything, I’ve been considering inviting a Domme friend of mine to live here. It would be nice to share responsibilities.”

Hammer cleared his throat and looked around the room covered by white tiles. “But like… is she aspecialkind of friend?” he asked, unsure how to approach Cora about this possibility. He had seen her play with women, but as far as he knew, she’d never dated one. Was she like him, or did she simply not want to deal with any sub on a daily basis?

She blinked a few times, processing his question, but then laughed and patted his chest. “Oh no, nothing sexual or romantic between her and me. I tried sex with women a few times and it just doesn’t do it for me.”

Maybe that was it. Maybe he ought to try it instead of subjecting himself to this mental torment?

“So you don’t see the need for a full time sub… or just a guy in your life?” Hammer asked but stopped talking when Cora laughed while mixing in the supplements with a big wooden spoon.

“Too much drama. Tried it, and it’s not for me either. Too badwe’renot a good fit,” she said, mirroring Hammer’s own sentiment. But it was true. They might find each other attractive, but the attempts they once made at being a couple proved they were much better off as friends.

“Alrighty, I’ll go get some groceries for all of us. You feed Bandit and clean the place,” Cora said, stepping away from the table.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance