Page 15 of D!ckhead

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“No hospital then?” Despite Hammer’s promises, Dex sounded less than happy, but his expression was hard to read through all the dried blood, and Hammer wasn’t about to dab at him with a tissue. That would have been… too intimate.

“You don’t need a hospital for a cut this small. The lady is a real doctor anyway,” Hammer said and pressed the doorbell. It rang on the other side, and he glanced at Dex, suddenly realizing his companion had hands cuffed at the front of his body.Fuck.

A part of him considered taking off his jacket and hanging it over the bound wrists, or using the bandana, which was still damp from serving as a gag, but both would have been suspicious anyway.

The soft creak of wood came from the inside, and he did the only thing that came to his mind—stretched his firm body by resting his elbow on the doorframe.

Dex looked at him from top to bottom, then cocked his head. “Are you… posing? Is the doc your girlfriend?”

Heat burst into Hammer’s face. “Shut up,” he said as the door unlocked and opened, still secured with a chain, revealing Stefani’s big brown eye lined with dark eyeshadow.

Her long eyelashes fluttered and she was about to slam the door in their faces before Hammer could get a word in, but he’d anticipated this and shoved his steel-capped boot in to stop her.

Stefani’s nostrils flared, and she showed more of her face in the gap. Her pretty lips curled in a snarl. “Get out, or I’m gonna scream. And who is that?” She pointed a long nail at Dex.

The kid smiled but with the blood covering his features like a fucked-up beauty treatment made his even, white teeth stand out in a creepy way, creating an image for Hammer to put in one of his stories. “Hey, I’m sorry we’re barging in this late, but I kinda need some stitches, and we’ll be on our way,” he said as if he had any decision-making rights here.

When Stefani squinted at Hammer’s boot, he tentatively pulled it out, so she could close the door and release the chain. Seconds later, she swung it open and stepped out in all her leisurewear glory. She didn’t wear a bra, so it was hard not to stare down at the massive tits pushing at the front of her tank top and stretching the numbers printed there, but the distraction earned Hammer a poke in the chest.

“Seriously? You’re here for mysister?”

Ha. So shewaswaiting for him to make a move.

But despite excitement buzzing in his veins, Hammer leaned over her with a serious expression. Women liked frowny guys. “He had the accident while I was on my way to yours. Figured he might keep your sister busy.”

Stefani glanced at Dex, and Hammer could swear he could see her weighing the options in her head. Roses and gothic-looking swirls covered the skin of her chest and ran all the way to the jaw. Hammer could sense her uncertainty in the air and wished to squeeze her long neck to feel its frantic pulse.

“Why is he cuffed?” Stefani asked in the end, stepping back toward the door. “I told you I won’t be dealing with any more of your psycho bullshit!” Yet despite the harsh words, she pulled on the big bun on top of her head, releasing a cascade of long dark hair.

Hammer smirked. “Come on. Are you really telling me you teased me for no reason?” he asked, pulling Dex in and shutting the door with a little kick.

Stefani licked her plump, doll-like lips and took a step back, but she wouldn’t have opened the door and let him in if she didn’t want him here.

“I didn’t tease you, I told you not to call me!”

Dex cleared his throat. “I’m kinda bleeding and in pain over here.”

Dull footsteps came from somewhere down the corridor decorated with many shelves full of potted plants, but then the door at the end opened and a woman peeked out. “Stef? What’s going on?”

Hammer had never actually met Kate, Stefani’s sister, since they agreed to only meet up when she was out at work, but with her nice brown updo, glasses, and a dark blue robe, she did look like someone who could afford an apartment this large.

Kate stilled, staring at them with dread all over her face, but Dex smiled nevertheless.

“Hey, I heard you’re a fantastic plastic surgeon?” he said as if he didn’t notice the tension in the air. “I’m happy to barter.”

He and Hammer both flinched when Kate left the room and marched toward them with a guard dog-worthy roar. “Stefani! What did I tell you about seeing those kinds of guys? And why are they here, at my place?” She then stilled, glaring at her sister. “Did you invite them over?”

Stefani shifted in place, sizzling under Kate’s scrutiny. “Do I look like I’m dressed for a date?”

Kate shook her head. “In the past, Stef!

“I never met your sister before,” Dex added, making Kate stall for a few seconds.

“Wait. Did you do it in my bed? I’m gonna kill you if you had a sweaty biker in my fucking sheets!” she said, recovered.

Hammer scowled, offended, but if he was to make the women play to his tune, loosening them up was imperative.

“I can tell you if you tell me which bed is yours,” he offered as Kate snapped her head toward him with a deep scowl that told him it hadn’t been the right thing to joke about.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance