Page 106 of D!ckhead

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Dex scowled and stared at his bad arm. “I lost it. I think. Maybe it’s in the car? No, I don’t think I had it with me.”

Frank chuckled. “We’ll get you another one tomorrow. You should avoid using your arm too much for now.”

The rest of dinner passed on talking about Cora’s big cat ranch and how to make Dex’s arm hurt less, but in the end he was far too tired to grab a beer with Frank. With his heart that little bit lighter, he dropped to the bed in his newly soundproofed room. The renovation was a thoughtful gesture from Frank, even if Dex wasn’t sure when the acoustic tiles would be of any use.

Whatever happened, he vowed to himself to try being more thoughtful, more patient, to prove to both Frank and Hammer that he could be depended on. The truth was that while sometimes fighting his impulses seemed impossible, many of his choices were also driven by selfishness. He wanted something now, couldn’t wait, and then cried when everything crumbled.

A laugh tore out of his chest when he spotted an A4 page attached to the ceiling, right above the bed. The printout featured the photo of a hammer, and next to it was a second page that readFor when you miss him - Shane.

“Asshole,” Dex muttered, shaking his head, but was unwilling to wait any longer and chose Hammer’s number. Frank was right. It was time to find out what hid in that box.

Each moment of waiting kept him on the edge of a knife, but when Hammer’s pleasant baritone finally spoke up, even if distorted by the phone, Dex’s heart beat faster.

“What is it?”

Dex swallowed, wishing they were in bed together, working out problems the old fashioned way. By exchanging bodily fluids.

“I just wanted to let you know I’m home. Are you sure you don’t need me for anything? Are you doing okay?”

Hammer sighed. “I’m glad you’re safe. Will be returning home soon too. Just getting ready for sleep at a motel.”

A choking sensation made Dex speak again. “Hammer… I know you are angry, but I kinda… I wanna say I’m sorry again, and that I’ll try harder, but also, I don’t exactly know where we stand right now. Like… Did you break up with me, or is this Shredder’s relationship?”


“You know. Neither alive or dead. Or both.”

“Like… Schrödinger’s cat?” Hammer asked after a moment of silence.

Dex rubbed his aching forehead. “Yeah, that one If it is, could we keep the lid on it a little longer, until we find out?”

“I don’t follow. Do you want tonotknow where we stand? Is that it?”

There was that ache in Dex’s chest again. It was time to man up. “No. Okay. I wanna know. I need to know.”Please don’t dump me.

The line creaked. “This is a hard question. I think it’s pretty obvious by now that… I like being around you, but the way you acted was quite the wake-up call. I need to take my time with this.”

Truths were sometimes difficult to swallow, but Dex had to take it on board. “Fair. I’m sorry. What can I do?”

“Take care of yourself. And don’t get in trouble. I’ll see you at the clubhouse the day after tomorrow, Prospect.”

Hearing that word coming from Hammer’s lips sent a shiver down Dex’s spine. He wished he could turn back time and stay put behind that bush in the mountains, but what was done was done.

“See you there,” he muttered through the pain cutting his throat like razors.

Hammer hung up, leaving Dex in the unpleasant echo chamber of his own thoughts.

Chapter 27 – Hammer

Hammerstaredathisempty cup of coffee. It had been a symbolic birthday gift from the guys, and as he leaned back on the sofa, taking in his living room, it seemed that the bit of crockery was the only non-white/beige/black/gray/navy item in the whole interior.

Was he boring?

If Dex lived in this small bungalow instead of him, there would be posters on all the walls, maybe a zebra print sofa, or a neon-green rug? It would also have been a hell lot messier, since Hammer rarely kept things he didn’t need and cleaned all the surfaces after use.

It would have been a nightmare.

A whole cupboard filled with his favorite noodles, a fridge with out of date produce Dex forgot he’d bought, and clothes left on the floor.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Romance