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“And you needmyhelp,” I observed. “I need to be the dutiful daughter, follow my orders, play nice and all that.”

“Yes,” Bash interjected. “I know you wanted to wash your hands of this, but if you go home and act like nothing’s wrong, you could help gather the proof we need. If we present Gio with the facts–that the Sinners didn’t attempt to kill his son, that Dante wants us to take out his family, Gio will take care of Dante himself.”

“None of this explains how you all know my secret.”

“What can I say? I’m very dedicated to my projects,” Bash grinned.That fucker’s been following me.

“So you saw me when I was–”

“At Fat Cats, luring Otis to the parking lot, knocking him out cold and murdering him? Yup. Definitely saw all of that.”

“I’m supposed to believe you’re not going to punish me for killing one of your own?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes on Bash and then Eli.

“Not if you’re willing to help us,” Bash stated.

Ohhh, it’s like that.

Any way you sliced it, I was fucked.

I sighed. “What do I have to do?”


“Dante, stop!” Mommy cried from the room next to mine.

She’d been staying in that room for a few weeks. She said Daddy had been snoring and she couldn’t get any sleep in their bedroom.

“Have you been trying to get away from me, bitch? It’s not going to work! You’re not taking those kids from me!” Daddy screamed. There was a loud thud as Mommy cried.

“None of us are happy, Dante. This isn’t healthy for our children.”

I climbed out of bed and opened the door, peering out into the hallway. Mommy told me if I ever heard yelling I needed to hide, but I couldn’t hide when she was crying.

“How do I even know they’re mine? You’ve been fucking those filthy bikers since you were fifteen.”

“I’ve never cheated on you, Dante. I’m allowed to have friends.”

“Like hell you are! You’remine, Ivy. Your father sold you off like the common whore you are. Or did you forget you signed yourself over to me?”

I heard another crack, followed by Mommy whimpering. Her door opened as she crawled out. She wasn’t wearing any clothes and Daddy stood over her, looking angry as he held a belt in his hand.

“Go back to bed, baby,” Mommy said to me with a smile.

“No, Mommy! He hurt you!” I cried.

Daddy grabbed Mommy’s hair and pulled her up off her knees. “Get in your fucking room, Danica.”

“Please, baby. Go to your room. Everything’s going to be okay,” she said as she cried. Why would she cry if everything was going to be okay?

“Can you read me a story?”

He pulled her hair tighter and whispered in her ear. “Get her in her fucking room or she’s next.”

“Baby, listen to me. Go to your room and get under the covers. You’re safe under there, remember?” She forced a smile as tears fell down my cheeks.

She wasn’t going to read to me. She was going to keep me safe.

Daddy slammed the door in my face and I heard Mommy cry again. They continued to yell at each other as I went back to my room. I climbed onto my bed and covered my head with the covers. Curled into a ball, I rocked myself to sleep, hoping that Mommy would be okay.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic