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Lucas gulped as he backed up, spun around, and took off like a shot down the hallway.

I turned back to my mirror, attempting to cover the hickey given by the grouch behind me. “Was that necessary? I had it handled.”

“You weren’t actually considering fucking him, were you?”

“Who gives a shit if I was? Also, no. That was a lapse in judgment brought on by going too long without dick. Won’t happen again,” I smiled at him in the mirror, dabbing the hickey.

“Don’t cover that,” Kane said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled the sponge away from my neck. He licked his thumb and wiped at the marked skin, effectively clearing what coverage I’d managed.

“What the fuck?” I yanked my hand away and went to cover it again, but he snatched the compact and tossed it down the hallway.

“Leave it.”

Kane’s hand wrapped around my neck, giving a light squeeze and sending flutters right to my crotch. I was a horny bitch and having big, tatted hands on my throat made me want to jump him right there in the hallway.

“You’re a freak,” he whispered.

“And you love it,” I said as he squeezed a little tighter. His hard body pressed against mine…and every inch of him was hard. Every. Inch. “People can see us.”

“Do you think I give a fuck? Let them watch. Then they’ll know to stay away from you.”

That caveman shit he said was hot as hell. Didn’t mean anything because we weren’t a couple–we hadn’t even fucked–came close a few times but never sealed the deal. It was still fun to play around.

Being a brat, I pushed my ass back and rubbed against him. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Moretti. We both know you can’t finish with me.”

“Like fuck I can’t,” he growled in my ear.

“You’re all talk. And I need to get to class, so unless you’re going to take me to that fancy SUV of yours and fuck me senseless, I’m done here.” I tipped my head back and gave him a smile. “Besides, what would your girlfriend think?”

He released my neck and huffed. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“That’s not what she thinks.”

“She’s a psycho. And a bitch,” he said, twisting a piece of my brown hair around his finger.

“Yet you entertain her with the finger you had upmypussy earlier.”

“I thought you’d like that. Our little inside joke,” he grinned a devilish look that was one part sexy and two parts trouble.

“Could you do me a favor?” I asked as I pulled my hair away from him.

“Aside from giving you an orgasm? You’re racking up your tab, Dutton.”

“Like it was hard? Lucas did most of the work,” I laughed. “Joke. Anyway, I need West’s girlfriend’s number.”

I met Kane’s cousin’s girlfriend Ashtyn at Ethereal a few weeks ago. She was drugged by some scumbag who used to work at the club, and her perverted teacher was attacking her when I heard her screams. Luckily, I was working that night–otherwise no one would’ve heard her–and I beat the shit out of the guy. That was a great night.

“What for?”

Because I needed to talk to her again. I couldn’t explain it but…there was something about her that I liked, and I didn’t like many people, as bad as that sounded. And there was thethingwe had in common…

“None of your business. I want to talk to her. Can you get it for me? I’ll owe you one,” I waggled my eyebrows.

“Oh, you’ll owe me one alright. Right on your fucking knees,” Kane said as he stepped closer to me, pressing my back to my locker, his closeness effectively decimating my panties and my self-respect. The cold organ in my chest thudded wildly against my ribs as his eyes burned into me.

“Get me her number and I’ll think about it.”

So much for that breather I needed. Kane owed me a new pair of panties–and there was no way I’d be focusing on the rest of my classes. I couldn’t get the feeling of his fingers out of my mind.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic