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She gasped. “What? I can’t picture that at all. Are you sure this is true?”

“Of course, it’s true,” he chuckled. “It’s probably why my father hasn’t picked me as his heir for the thunder and the company. It’s the same with my brother. I don’t think he takes either of us seriously.”

“You’ve grown. I think your dad should be aware of that.”

“Maybe. I guess we’ll see what happens.”

Kaia nodded. “Do you think you should just straight up tell your father what you want?”

“Nope. I told you already. That’s just a mess waiting to happen.”

“He’s your dad. You know him more. I just think it’s sad that he hasn’t seen what a good man you’ve become.”

“He chewed me out for fighting the demon for you.”

“I did that too,” she reminded him.

“You did, but you see me. He doesn’t take the time to do that. I don’t know why I’m surprised. He doesn’t even realize he’s the reason Jorge and Richard are fighting.It’s like he’s completely lost touch with what makes the company work. And that’s him. The CEO. People look to him for their behavior.” He sighed. “Sorry, I’m talking your ear off. This can’t be sexy.”

“No, don’t be sorry. I’m a naturally gifted listener. I think having Rachel as an older sister trained me for my job as a guidance counselor. I give way more advice than just what path to go on career-wise. A lot of kids come to my doors with all kinds of things. One thing I’ve noticed is that most folks don’t believe in themselves as much as they should. You have every reason to believe in yourself.”

“Thanks, love. You really are the best guidance counselor in your district. Three years in a row,” he added, plating their meal.

They ate while chatting about the resort and everyday things, but Kaia was struck by how easy it was to be around Grey. He was serious, but she could easily make him laugh. He was hardworking, but she could see that he wanted to break from that.

Why else would he be playing hooky to spend time with her?

And to rent a cabin for their date. It was almost too much!

“You know, I don’t think I even know what kind of company you own.”

“We run a lumber and paper business. My family has been growing it for centuries, so it has a whole lot of umbrellas. It’s a lot of things to keep track of.”

“I can imagine. Are you sure you want both jobs? CEO and alpha?”

Greyson considered this. “Honestly? I think that both jobs can be streamlined. My dad is so old-school. Some of the stuff he does isn’t even that useful anymore. There’s a lot of wasted time.”

“You really want to fix this, huh?”

“Well, like I said. My family has been building this business for a long time, and it would just break my heart if it was all lost because my dad isn’t great at it.”

“Promise me one thing,” she asked.

“Anything,” he whispered back.

Kaia wanted him to promise her his heart, but when he looked at her with those eyes, all her thoughts flew right out of her head, and she kissed him.



“Promise me one thing?” Kaia asked, making his heart stop beating in his chest.

“Anything,” he replied.

She sighed, and instead of telling him what was on her mind, she kissed him. Surprised, it took him a few seconds for his hands to find her hips, but when he caught on, they came together, kissing like they hadn’t seen each other in years. He only pulled away because he was burning with curiosity. “What did you want me to promise, Kaia?”

“I don’t remember,” she whispered.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal