Page 22 of Forbidden

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“No, this is a good time. Sharon is my graduate assistant. I’m sure you’ve seen her in class.”

“Hi, there.” The young woman smiles.

Her hair is long and dark, straight with bangs. She’s wearing a shirt that hits above her knees, and her tight sweater that shows off her round breasts. When her eyes move to him, I can tell she wants him, and I instantly hate her.

“Do you need help with the assignment?” he asks me.

“Yes.” Snapping out of my annoyance, I tilt my head towards his office. “Could we… speak privately? It’s a little embarrassing.”

“Of course.” He backs up, heading to the door like such a good teacher.

I pass Sharon the slut, and I don’t even look at her. My eyes are fixed on the muscles in his ass, flexing when he walks. So hot. As before, he puts the large desk between us, sitting in his leather chair.

My fantasy from last time flashes through my mind, and my neck heats. The place between my thighs flutters, and I almost sigh audibly. How much longer will I have to wait?

As it is, two weeks isn’t enough. I have to know him better, although we do see each other twice a week in class…

“What’s on your mind?” He leans forward, taking off his glasses and massaging the bridge of his nose before setting them on the desk.

My tongue slips out to wet my bottom lip. “It’s about the writing assignment.”

“It’s not due until Thursday.”

“Last time we spoke, you offered to read over my assignments and give suggestions. Would you still do that for me?”

“You’ve finished it?” His dark brow rises, and I can’t tell…Is he proud of me?

Warmth blooms in my stomach that he might be, and I blink down to my bag where my laptop is stored. “I’m worried my English is not very good.”

The slightest grin curls his full, kissable lips. “Good news—it’s not an English class. I’m not grading you on grammar, but on how well you demonstrate your understanding of the reading assignment.”

Taking out my laptop, I pull up the assignment. “Would you still look over it for me?”

His shoulders fall, and he holds out a hand. His shirt sleeves are rolled, and the muscle in his forearm flexes as he takes the device.

I scoot my chair around to the side of his desk, leaning forward so the V-neck of my top falls open. If he glances up, he should be able to see most of my bare breasts, my taut nipples beneath the fabric.

Instead his eyes are focused on the screen as he quietly reads, and I glance around his small office, thinking about some way to get his attention.

“She’s very beautiful.” My voice is quiet, and his eyes flicker from the screen, first to my breasts, then quickly to my eyes.

“Who is?” He frowns, lifting his glasses and putting them on again.

Slow down, Reanna.

“Sharon, your assistant.” I straighten, wrapping my cardigan tighter around my body. “Is she your girlfriend?”

Placing my laptop on his desk, his eyes level on mine. “Sharon is not my girlfriend, and it’s not your business. I can review your work, or you can visit the writing lab in the library.”

I’m torn between happiness at the news and despair at his fortitude. “You’re right. It’s not my business.”

“Now about your paper.” Glasses off again, he slides the device in my direction. “I think your worries are unfounded. You have a good grasp of the language as well as the concepts.”

I allow myself to smile, pushing my hair behind my ear. “Thank you so much. This means so much to me.”

“You’re welcome. Now, if that’s all, I've got work to do.”

I chew my lip, trying to think of another way in. “You must think I’m foolish to be so relieved, but… Have you ever lost someone, Professor Winston?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance