Page 17 of Luke, The Profiler

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He nodded and reached over to curl his hand around mine. “I’m so glad you didn’t hesitate to get some security around you, sugar. I’m sorrier than I can say that this shit storm’s hitting your life. You shouldn’t have to suffer because of me. Tell me what I can do to calm the troubled waters of your world.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. “I’m not suffering, and I’m also not a mark. Tone the bullshit down, Marvin.”

“Sugar, what do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.” To show him I wasn’t fooled by the earnest compassion radiating out of his every pore, I took my hand from his and crossed my legs, easing back in my chair to give him a smile that felt as hard and cynical as I did. “Maybe I’ve been gone so long you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with, so allow me to school you. Your concern-troll shit doesn’t work on me. It only works with the rubes who don’t know you.”

“Like I said, I raised you too well.” With a sigh, he too leaned back and bestowed an approving smile my way. Like that, the field was reset for a new round of play. “But to be clear, I’m not trolling you with overdone concern. I’m your old man, sugar, and from what Kelsey told me about your meeting, I have every damn right to be concerned.”

Despite my cynicism, a sweet warmth bloomed in my heart. “I know how to look after myself, you know. Please don’t worry about me.”

“Oh, I know you’re going to be aces, you’re tough as nails. But I sure as hell don’t like the sound of the people you met up with. Tell me about this profiler Kels was all het up about.”

The warmth withered, and when I sighed I wondered if he could hear the disappointment. “You mean Luke Keyes?”

“That’s the one. What’s your read on him?”

“A monster.” My reply was immediate, and breathless. Maybe my father would take that breathlessness as fear, and not whatever it was that kept me up half the night thinking about Luke and those amazing eyes of his, the lush thickness of his hair, and if that fading golden tan of his had any intriguing tan lines… “Probably the most dangerous monster I’ve ever come across.”

“Fuck,” he said faintly, then lifted his chin. “Tell me everything.”

I did, briefly outlining how Cap Fogelmann had run an interview while he’d had a profiler behind the scenes reading my every move, “I believe Luke is a natural when it comes to reading people, just like we are,” I finished, lifting a shoulder. “But then Luke went and had that natural gift honed to razor-sharp perfection by the likes of Quantico and the military, and whatever hell that kind of life puts you through. When you look into his eyes, you feel like he’s seeing every sin you’ve ever committed. The wordsterrifyingandmagnificentkeep coming to mind.” Truly, Luke was the most magnificent man I’d ever come across.

“Find another private security company,” my father said bluntly, cutting into my thoughts, and for just a second his hands gripped the chair’s armrests. Tension, to the point of alarm. My father had to be seriously freaked out to show me that much, when he took pride in never giving his true self away. “Better still, come back on-property and set up shop here. Take a guest room. Hell, take a whole fucking wing of the house, I don’t give a shit. But don’t mess around with this guy. Mark my words, you’ll regret it.”

“Dad, I’m not the one they’d be investigating. I’m being legitimately stalked.”

“I know that, but you’re fooling yourself if you think they’re not going to find out every last detail about you.” He gave me a meaningful look. “And we both know you’ve got plenty of details that need to stay hidden. Don’t we, sugar?”

I heard nails grating over fabric, only to discover they were mine. This time it was my turn to grip the armrests so hard it was a wonder I didn’t leave puncture marks.Shit. “Yeah. I guess we do know that.”

“Cut those PSI men loose. Then come home.”

Chapter Five

Adan Caballero

Being on time was a thing with me, but I was very nearly late for my meeting with a new client. Traffic had been horrible coming into the Gold Coast from the North Shore, and my head was still buzzing with all the crazy things my father had told me about. Clearly he had no intention of becoming a client of Private Security International, but since he’d taken extra measures in protecting himself, I wasn’t worried about his safety anymore.

My safety was another story.

I didn’t want to go back to HEG. Mainly because a part of medidwant to go back, so much so it was almost a physical ache. I was safe there—or safe-ish—with armed security and dogs all around. Not to mention the people there generally adored me, if only because I was the great man’s offspring. I was the perennial Golden Child, admired and whispered about in awe by people who didn’t even know me.

And that was why I could never go back. As pretty and perfect as that world seemed, it wasn’t real. Not to mention I’d never gotten used to being adored by people who didn’t know me. Just the thought made me feel like a fraud.

Or, more of a fraud than I already was.

I pulled my sunglasses off and approached the maître d’ just inside Maple and Ash, my favorite restaurant on the Gold Coast and my go-to place to wine and dine a new client. Having a degree in psychology and possessing every certification in life-coaching that Illinois had to offer was nothing compared to just sitting across from someone who was happy to get a free meal while chatting about themselves. Usually by the time the dessert plates were cleared, I knew more about my clients than they did.

And then I tried my best to use my powers for good.

For a fee, of course.

“Eden Steadfast, table for two at one o’clock.”

“Ah, yes, Miss Steadfast. Your party has already been seated. If you’ll follow me.”

Was I late? As I trailed behind the hostess I plucked my phone out of my bag and checked. Nope. I had a minute to spare. Clearly my new client was an eager beaver, ready and willing to do whatever it took to get their life on track. And it would, just as long as they allowed me to get down into the nitty-gritty of what their problems were, so that I could mold their bad habits into good—

Tags: Stacy Gail Romance