Page 45 of Guilty as Sin

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The next morning, she woke up early. She stretched her arms and lay the in the bed, thinking of the kiss she shared with Moon. It was mind boggling how they came together in the rain.

It had done things to her she had never imagined. There was a need to be with him, to be close. That kind of kiss was the kind a man and woman shared after marriage.

She thought about what Jack blurted out. "Marriage, could it be possible?" She murmured wrapping her arms around herself she smiled with hope.

Her heart said yes, her mind said no.

She realized that now, here at this moment, she felt like a real woman. He had opened her eyes and heart to a different world. His world. He had given her what she craved most, love. He'd never admit it to her. But a kiss like that was a kiss of lovers.

The kiss was more than a kiss It said things he couldn't. He made love to her with his lips and she felt it to the core of her being. She would remember that moment for the rest of her life. She would treasure it.

But Moon was a reasonable man. Not driven to impulse like she was. He would be sensible and not heed the craving of his heart.

She accepted it. Perhaps nothing would ever come of that one kiss, but it had awakened the woman inside her. It made her vulnerable and strong in the same breath. It gave her hope for a future, and a memory she would hold dear to her heart.

She could not hold him to any promises. She could not enter into his world unless he invited her. But she could hold on to this feeling. How could she not, she'd been awakened from a deep sleep. A sleep that held no life, no future. Now she was finally free to feel like a woman. And to hurt like one.

What was between them, was unspeakable, and more beautiful than anything she had ever imagined.

She got up and looked at herself in the small mirror on Jack's dresser. She looked pitiful. Her clothes were so big on her and her hair needed washing. She looked like a ragamuffin.

She found a comb on Jack's dresser and combed her long hair until it shone.

When she went into the room where Jack and Moon were, she wished she had a grand dress to show them, but then she realized her foolishness.

She put on a smile. Jack had coffee perking.

"It smells good in here." She told him as she came up behind him in the kitchen.

"Sit yourself down girl, I got biscuits and gravy and coffee ready."

"Do you cook all the time?"

"Yep, Moon can roast a bear over the spit, he can cook outside, but you put him in the kitchen, and he's lost." Jack chuckled.

"Where is Moon?" she asked.

"He went outside, said he'd get us something for dinner."

"Oh," she smiled. "Well, that gives us a chance to talk."

Jack brought the food to the table, and she got the plates and cups. "Sure does."

"I guess your wondering why I'm with Moon. I mean, why I came with him after he killed Earl." She asked.

"No, I pretty much put it all together." Jack sighed at the table, wiping his hands on a long towel.

"I did not mean to get him into trouble. Nor cause him stress. And when I killed that man, I knew I had to protect him. I'm trying to understand why I did it and how I can live with it. I didn't question it at the time, but now, having had time to think on it. It weighs heavy on me. I never killed a man before. I mean I saw him hurting Moon, and I had to do something."

"I can see that. Look, out here, things are different. It's a wild country, and it has some wild people. Things happen."

"Most women don't kill, like I did, though, Jack."

"You had reason. Both of you had reason. First you were attacked, and second Moon was attacked."

"I want you to know something Jack, mainly because I think you will believe me when I tell you."

"Oh, what's that?"

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance