Page 44 of Guilty as Sin

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"It would never work Jack. We both know that." Moon told him.

"I don't know so much about that son. Trappers marry Indian squaws all the time and it works. Why wouldn't this?"

"She's white lady, that's why, and I'm Indian, isn't that enough?" He said rougher than he wanted to.

"When they do catch up to you, they are gonna think all the wrong things and you know that. Now, you may not have taken her, but from the looks of the two of you, you did kiss. Didn't you?"

"I'm not talking about this anymore." Moon told him.

"Fine, let's get that arm looked after then." Jack told him. "You did kiss her, right?" muttered as he found a rag and brought a bottle with him.

"Dammit Jack, yeah, alright, I kissed her. But that was all."

"I know that. You forget how well I know you, son."

"What's the bottle for?"

"I gotta disinfect it boy, before I cauterize it."

Moon prepared for the pain. It burned like hellfire.

"What did you do that for?" Moon frowned, flinching from the fire on his arm.

"I'm doin' the doctorin'. I had to boil the impurities out. Otherwise it will leave the infection inside."

"Get it done, Jack." Moon insisted with annoyance.

Jack snickered. "This won't hurt half as bad as letting a little gal like that get away from you. You want to live in the white man's world, why not with a white girl?" He asked as he seared his arm, sealing the wound. "Out here where we live, you are just a man."

Moon grit his teeth from the pain. When he could finally talk, he stared at Jack.

"I realize what they are gonna think Jack. But I'm not sure about marrying her. She could still have a life, if she wants it."

"You're not in love with her?" Jack asked so matter-of-factly that Moon frowned.

"Do you have to know everything?" Moon asked a bit too sharply. "I do have feelings for her, but that's not important right now."

"Uh huh!"

Jack made them some beds on the floor. Moon was in a lot of pain and he laid on the opposite side of his hurt arm.

"She's awful pretty Moon."

Moon smiled, "Yes, she is. Now go to sleep old man."

Marry her, yes, he wouldn't mind marrying her. She was his, if he wanted her, he knew that

already. But it was more than physical too. She had protected him from the man's attack. She had missed him when he merely went to hunt for food. She trusted him, and her kisses said it more than anything. Sweet kisses he would never forget. He wanted to devour her. She was everything he wanted in a woman.

Oh, he'd love to marry her, but what did she think of such a thing? After that last kiss he thought of nothing else but having her.

Still, in a way Jack was right. Marrying her would protect her honor so to speak. If he married her, they'd have no right to take her away. At least not legally. But who would marry them, anyway?

This was foolish thinking, it would never happen. Still, he could dream. One thing he knew, they were bound by trust and a growing feeling between them.

Marriage was a mighty big temptation to Moon.

Chapter Eight

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance