Page 96 of Savage Sins

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“Just trying to figure out my body.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“I like it when you kiss me and sometimes, I wish you’d kiss me like you did at Water Mills. And then I remember what happened to me. How can I want someone to kiss me afterthat?”

I’m so proud of myself. My voice doesn’t waver, not even once.

“First, you’re the only person who can decide how and what you should be feeling, Ellie. No one else. Second, I want to kiss you like that, too, but I wasn’t sure if that would be inappropriate.”

I exhale and say, “Jafar, I want you to kiss me.”


“Okay,” I echo.

Smiling, his large hand takes my face, holding me gently as his head lowers. Every nerve ending in my body is alive as our lips brush. When his tongue slips into my mouth, I let out a breathy moan that he swallows. Kissing Malik Jafar might be my new favorite pastime. I feel alive and dreamy at the same time. I quiver at the sweet tenderness of the kiss, holding onto him for support, and he’s right there to hold me.

He's always there for me. The thought has me kissing him back like there’s no tomorrow. I love this man, and even though I know he can never be mine, I have him at this moment. By the time we pull apart, I know that no man will ever make me feel this way. We smile at each other, and he kisses me once more. I swear to god I hear angels singing. Does he hear it, too? He breaks the kiss, staring at me. Belatedly, I realize it’s my phone making the angelic sound, and I pull it out of my pocket with a sheepish smile. Jasmine’s name flashes across the screen, but I send the call to voicemail.

“I don’t think I want to talk to her.”

“Can’t say that I blame you.” His gaze searches mine. “Are you good?”

“I’m good.” I pause. “Maybe a little hungry.”

His laughter is unexpected. “Then let’s head back and go to town. There’s a great spot that I think you’ll like.”

“Race you back.”

“You’re on. Winner gets a kiss.”

I grin. “Sounds like we both win.”

He wiggles his eyebrows and leads me back to the ATVs. Joy bubbles out of me as we race each other over the rolling landscape back to the house. By the time I come to a stop, I have a huge smile on my face. Jafar pulls up next to me.

“Time to pay up, Mr. Jafar.”

He dismounts the four-wheeler and pulls me into his arms, kissing me until I feel dizzy.

“Best loss of my life,” he says when he pulls away.

“Best win of mine.”

Taking my hand, he leads me to the waiting SUV. Jafar opens my door and then gets in the driver’s seat.

“I see you’re driving again.”

“I am. A wise woman reminded me of how much I enjoy being behind the wheel. And I’ve been assured by my men that there isn’t a threat waiting in town, so we should be fine.”

“What kind of threat would be waiting?”

I’m genuinely curious. My knowledge of the Mafia comes from movies, which probably isn’t very accurate.

“Depends on where the attack comes from. Different groups have different… methods of making others pay.”

“What do you use?”

He barks out a laugh. “Are you sure you want to know?” At my nod he says, “Guns, but I’m handy with a dagger, too.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance