Page 95 of Savage Sins

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“True. But you’re lucky to have it.”

“You’re the first person to see it, other than Razoul. I tried to bring Jasmine out a few years ago, but she wanted no part of it.”

“Thank you for showing me.”

“Thank you for trusting me.” He smiles. “Tell me something no one else knows about you.”

I lean against the fence, thinking. “I ran away when my dad told me he was getting married.”


“Yeah. I was gone for two days. My aunt lived a few blocks over and I stayed in my cousin’s treehouse the entire time.”

“Did anyone know where you were?”

I bite my bottom lip, thinking. I’d like to say that my dad knew, but I don’t think he noticed I was gone. My aunt knew I was out there and made sure I had snacks and sandwiches. I thought my cousin was leaving it for me, but he later told me that wasn’t the case.

“When I finally tired of sleeping in the treehouse, I went home to find that my dad had moved me out of my bedroom into the guest room on the third floor. Said that it was only fair that my stepsisters got the bigger room, since they were giving up so much. Sadly, I don’t think he knew I was gone.”

“I dislike that man the more I hear about him.”

“I’ve tried to see things from his point of view. He lost his wife and was struggling. But I think that even if I lost everything that I would put my child first, you know?”

He leans against the fence, too, looking into the pasture past us. “Yeah, I know what you mean. My dad was a monster, but seeing how my uncle was with my aunt, I think I know what love is supposed to look like.”

“What about you? What’s something that no one knows?”

He hums under his breath. “This might be too much for you. I’ve had to do a lot of unsavory things in my life to make sure those around me were taken care of and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

His expression is haunted, as if he’s remembering one specific moment.

I touch his arm. “You can tell me.”

His gaze flickers to mine. “My aunt and uncle were murdered. We’d been living in New York for a few years when it happened. I hunted down the men and found out that they were loyalists to my father. When I found them, I killed them. And it wasn’t a quick death.”

“And you feel guilty about it?”

“I feel anything but guilt. Anger because I couldn’t protect them. Sorrow that their lives ended too soon. Even sadness for myself. But never guilt.”

“Jafar, you’re a good man. Anything you’ve done has been to protect those around you. Never be sorry about that.” I give him a small smile. “And I promise you can tell me anything. I might not understand or even be able to sympathize, but I’ll always listen.”

“I wonder if you would say that if you knew all the terrible things I’ve done.” His eyes close for a moment. “Do you know that my own wife has never offered to do that for me?”

In the past, this would be the moment where I defended Jasmine. I don’t.

Instead, I say, “I mean it. Day or night. You can call or text me.”

Something shifts between us in that moment, and he leans down, brushing his lips against mine.

“Thank you.”

My body tingles at his nearness. It’s confusing and frustrating at the same time.

“What’s the frown for, little mouse?”

“It’s nothing.”

His gaze narrows, and I let out a self-deprecating laugh.

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance