Page 81 of Savage Sins

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Tears fill my eyes and I squat at her level to pet her just so he doesn’t notice.

“What did you name her?”

I swear his cheeks redden.

“Don’t tell me she doesn’t have a name?” She has a pink collar with a tag, and I read it. “Elizabeth Bennet? Oh my gosh, how perfect.”

He grins. “It fits her so well. And, as someone once told me, a good pet needs a first and last name.”

I rub her head, gaining loud purrs. “Thank you for showing me.”

“That’s not why I brought you in here.” He gestures to the bed. “We have some time before the pizza gets here. I was thinking you could try to take a nap.”

My throat feels tight. “I don’t think I can.”

“Elizabeth Bennet can keep you company, and so can I.”


“It might help to have someone with you.”

This is a bad idea, and I should say no, but I nod. “We can try.”

“Pick a side and I’ll grab some blankets.”

I pick the right side, kicking off my shoes before climbing onto the bed. Elizabeth Bennet immediately curls against my side, purring. I can’t believe he kept her. We found her the last time I visited. She was stuck in a storm drain and I heard her faint cries for help. Jafar acted like he was mad when I asked him to save her, but he laid on the dirty street in his designer suit, reaching into the drain to get her. She was flea-ridden, had one eye still shut, and didn’t look like she would make it. He said she would have been better off dead, but he was wrong. And now look at her. She’s perfect.

He comes from the closet with two blankets in hand. I expect him to toss one to me, but he comes to my side, covering me.

“She’s a cuddler,” he says, pointing to his pet.

“I don’t mind.”

“I don’t either.”

He walks to his side, kicking off his Italian loafers before climbing onto the bed.

“Lights on or off?”


“Works for me.”

He spreads the blanket over himself before closing his eyes. I watch in amazement as he falls asleep almost instantly. I wish I could do that, but I always need to unwind before I can sleep. To process my thoughts. And right now, my thoughts are terrible. I toss and turn until even Elizabeth Bennet has had enough, and hops off the bed, going to a tiny bed in the corner.

Jafar lets out a sigh before reaching across the bed, dragging me against his side.

My breath is caught in my throat, and I ask, “What are you doing?”

“Helping you sleep. Now, close your eyes and relax.”

He does all of this while keeping his own eyes shut. I’m tense for a moment, but slowly I relax. Maybe it’s the heat coming from his body. Or maybe it’s because I’m so tired and can’t fight it. When his arm hooks around my waist, pulling me close, I don’t even flinch. No, I snuggle closer, closing my eyes where I fall into a dreamless sleep where I feel nothing but safe and warm.



I wake up with a start, not knowing where I’m at for a moment.

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance