Page 76 of Savage Sins

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Jasmine glares at me as she pulls back. “What happened? Tell us so we can make this right.”

Ellie stands. “I just want to go.”

“Of course. I’ll call the house and have the guest room prepared.”

Ellie’s face pales. “No. I want to go back to the hotel. My things are there.”

I say, “Ellie, we can get your things later.”

When she looks at me, her eyes are full of tears. “Please. I just want to be alone.”

Jasmine takes her hand. “Of course, dear, we understand. Come on. Let’s get you back to the hotel.”

Back to the scene of the crime…

Ellie’s not thinking clearly. If she were, she wouldn’t want to stay in that room. My wife leads Ellie away. When they’re out of earshot, I call the hotel and get Ellie a new room. I also instruct them to move her things. The hotel manager needs to know what’s happened, so I leave a message for him to call me back. I want to see the fucking security footage.

Outside, Ellie is ushered to Jasmine’s Range Rover, where she climbs into the backseat.

I say, “I’ll ride with you. We can get my car later.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you have business to take care of.”

“Right now, taking care of Ellie is my priority.” I lower my tone. “I think Al did this.”

“Al? You’ve got to be kidding. Al is in love with Ellie. There’s no way he’d hurt her.”

But she doesn’t know Al like I do.

“I’m riding with you. End of story.”


We go to her SUV. She gets in the back, and I sit in the front seat with her driver. I glance back at Ellie, who’s staring out the window. I keep expecting her to show some kind of emotion, but she doesn’t. Not when we get back to the hotel. Not when we go to her new room where all her things are waiting. Not even when Jasmine pesters her to talk.

No, she sits there looking at her hands or off into space like we’re not even there.

At around three in the morning, Jasmine yawns loudly.

“Dear, if you’re sure you’re okay, we’re going to go home. But let’s plan on lunch.”

I look at my wife. Is she fucking serious? Not once has Ellie said she’s fucking fine.

But Ellie says, “Okay.”

Jasmine looks relieved as she stands. “Let’s plan on meeting at one. Will that work?”

Ellie nods. My gut tells me this is a mistake, but what in the fuck am I supposed to do? Drag her home with me? Tell my wife we’re staying?

I stop in front of Ellie. “Call if you need anything.”

She doesn’t meet my gaze, but nods again. Biting back a sigh, I follow Jasmine from the room, hoping like hell that I’m not making a mistake.

I know one thing—as soon as Al is found, he’s a dead man.



Tags: Sarah Bale Romance