Page 75 of Savage Sins

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“The nurse you just saw is a SAFE nurse.”

“A what?”

“A sexual assault forensic examiner. She’s going to perform an exam on Ellie, so the evidence can be sent to the authorities.”

“Evidence?” I glance at the door. “Someone raped her?”

Dr. Jacques is solemn as he says, “Yes.”

Fuck. This is my fault. I should have never said what I did this evening. I should have—

My fist is flying before I can stop it, making contact with the wall. Dr. Jacques, to his credit, doesn’t even flinch when drywall explodes from the impact of my fist.

“What happens next?”

“Once the exam is finished, Ellie is free to leave. She has some bruising, so we’re sending her home with some pain medicine.” He hesitates. “If there’s any unusual vaginal bleeding, she’ll need to be brought back in. She’ll be given a Plan-B tonight and should follow up with her gynecologist.”

Plan-B? That means the fucker—

Dr. Jacques says, “You’ll be able to see her in a few moments.”

“Thank you. My wife is on her way as well.”

“I’ll make sure the staff knows.”

He enters the room, closing the door behind him. Time feels like it creeps until the door opens again. The nurse leaves with her bag in hand, followed by the other nurse. Dr. Jacques motions for me to enter.

Ellie is sitting on the exam table, her feet hanging over the side. She’s changed into scrubs that are three sizes too big for her, making her jewelry and heels look out of place, and she’s still staring at her hands. Her hair is down, and it looks like someone helped her brush it. The thing that guts me is her splotchy cheeks, as if she’s been crying. My breath catches. I wish there was something I could do right now, but I feel so fucking helpless.

Dr. Jacques says, “I’ll give you some privacy, but will be down the hall if you need me.”

I hold out my hand. “Thank you, doctor.”

He looks surprised, but my thanks are sincere. He shakes my hand before leaving. Slowly, I move to the chair next to the bed, sitting.

“Jasmine is on her way. Should be here any minute.”


“Ellie, I—”

“Please, don’t,” she whispers. “I can’t. Not tonight.”



We sit there in silence that kills me. There’s so much I want to say, but now is not the time.

A nurse comes to check on Ellie, asking if she wants anything to eat or drink, which Ellie refuses. Where in the fuck is Jasmine? She should be here by now, and Ellie needs to rest.

Ten minutes later, the sound of Jasmine’s heels clicking on the tile announces her presence long before the door swings open. She takes one look at her best friend and bursts into tears.

“Ellie! My god! What happened to you?”

She throws her arms around Ellie, not noticing how Ellie flinches.

“Jasmine, give her some space.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance