Page 43 of Savage Sins

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His eyes are dark, and I take a step back.

“Oh, little mouse. I could pick anyone if I simply wanted to get my cock wet. You really think that’s what this is?”

I shrug. “You tell me. Do you love her?”

He stares at me. “Yes.”

That one word breaks my heart.

I take another step back.

“This ends now, Jafar. You say you’re done playing games? Well, so am I. Please leave. I’d like to be alone.”

“Are you fucking serious right now?”


He looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t. To my utter relief, he leaves, and I fall to the floor as I sob.

This is for the best. So why does it hurt so much?



I stay in my room for the rest of the night, and thankfully, no one comes to check on me. Around two in the morning, everyone finally makes their way inside, laughing loudly as they go to bed. When I look out the window, I spot Jafar standing at the water. Not once does he turn my way. I finally force myself to get into bed. Thank god there’s only one day left.

The next morning, Jasmine wakes me up by shaking me on the shoulder. I gasp, sitting up.

“Is everything okay?”

“Jafar needs to get back to the city, so we’re heading out now. Richard said you are more than welcome to ride back with them, but I know how you feel about Dru.”

Yeah, there’s no way I’m riding back with Dru.

“I’ll be ready in ten.”

“It sucks that you got sick last night. You missed out on a lot of fun. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”

Is that what Jafar told them? I decide to go with it. After all, I was technically heartsick.

“Guess I’m just a lightweight.”

She laughs. “Remember that time when we snuck a bottle into our dorm? Who knew peach schnapps was the same color coming out as it was going in?”

I gag. “Don’t remind me. I still can’t drink it to this day.”

“Me either. Well, get dressed and hurry down. Jafar is already in the SUV.”

Ugh. This is going to be one long-ass car ride.

Four and a half hours later, I jump out of the SUV as it comes to a stop in front of the hotel. No one spoke the entire trip home. Not a single word. I wore my dark sunglasses and kept my headphones on just so I didn’t have to chat with anyone, but that didn’t stop me from feeling the thick tension in the air. I wonder if everyone else felt it, too?

Al gets out to help me with my bag. “Jesus, that was… a lot. Mind if I hang out with you for a bit? Not sure I can handle thirty more minutes in a vehicle with the two of them.”

“I don’t blame you. Yeah, come on. We can grab an early dinner somewhere.”

He makes a face. “Let me let Jafar know.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance