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Did you know that I could download books on it?


I gave it to you, didn’t I?

Yes, he did.

So it was obvious. That he knew.

Why didn’t it occur to me? Why didn’t I put two and two together?

Probably because this is happening too fast.

Everything is happening too fast. Everything is changing and shifting too fast.

He’s going from the guy who made me sick with hate to the guy who… doesn’t.

Another text pops up on my screen.


It’s a piece of shit phone but it’s a piece of shit phone you can download books on. Thought you’d find it useful.


I’d find ituseful?

That’s the word he’s going with. After everything I said.

After everything I said he’s brushing it off like it’s nothing. Like it’s…

Servant Girl

It’s not a piece of shit. Don’t call my phone a piece of shit! ?? And it’s more than useful. I love it!!!!



I would’ve sent him even more exclamation points but my fingers are too sweaty and trembly for that.


You only keeping it on at night though? For reading.

I bite my lip because I can hear him again.

His voice all rough and low, raspy.

All of a sudden, I realize that that’s hiscaringvoice.

It’s the voice he uses when he’s being… nice.

Can’t believe I’m figuring all this out only now. Six yearsafterI met the guy.

Servant Girl


Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance