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He gave me the best thing anyone ever could have.

Actually, no one ever has before.

Lucas always hated my reading. Well, hate is a strong word. He used to… dislike it slightly and never took much interest in it. He was a sporty guy all around. He wasn’t into books, which is fine. But he’d hate it when I got so engrossed in a book that I wouldn’t pay attention to him.

So I wouldn’t read much around him or talk about reading.

Plus the fact that I was going to go to NYU for literature and creative writing. That sort of put us on shaky ground as well.

But anyway.


I did.

I blink at his reply.

Servant Girl

You did what?



I stare at his message for a few seconds. Until it clicks.

Until I understand what he means and then I can’t type fast enough.

Servant Girl

You knew that I read on my phone?



Wasn’t hard to guess. Since you read all the time.

I put my phone down for a second.

And breathe.

I simply breathe. And stare out of my window.

The drapes are closed so it’s not as if I’m seeing anything. But if they weren’t, I would.

Look directly at his window.

Across the green grounds of Davidson Manor.

That’s where his bedroom is.

Not that he’s here. On the property. But still.

Then I pick it back up and type again.

Servant Girl

Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance