Page 94 of Sinners Consumed

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However, because of a certain red-haired beauty, I’m still on the vodka. I take a sip, just as Angelo’s shoulder brushes against mine. I stare out at the sun dipping below the water and bite back a smirk. I don’t need to turn around to know my brother’s seething; he’s got this way of breathing like a rhino when he’s on the verge of smashing something up.

His tone is ice-cold. “This is the worst idea you’ve ever had.”

I do a lazy sweep of the guests filtering through the doors and admiring the view. “Really? Everyone looks like they’re having a great time.”

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

“I second Angelo’s sentiment,” comes a silky murmur from my left. I turn to meet Tor’s shit-eating grin. “It’s an absolutely awful idea,cugino.I fucking love it.”

Yeah, he loves it because we finally reached an agreement. I get a third of Cove, but he gets forty-nine percent of my shiny new cliff bar.

“You won’t love it when you’re dodging bullets, dickhead.” Angelo mutters under his breath and glances toward the elevator. “Where’s my wife, anyway?”

“Out shopping with…Penny.” I almost say,out with mine,but stop myself. Unfortunately, she’s not my wife.


“I don’t like it when they hang out.”

Now, I pin him with a blistering glare, annoyance twitching my fingers. “Why not?”

“Because she’s teaching her things.”


“Like how to play blackjack. Rory’s good at it now.” He swigs from his whiskey glass, eyes darkening. “Tell me why I’m losing every hand we play? Something’s not right.”

Tor and I exchange amused glances. Angelo rarely gambles, and probably doesn’t even know what card counting is. I don’t snitch on my sister-in-law though. We’re startingThe Real Housewives of Atlantanext week, and like fuck am I watching the franchise on my own.

I steal a look at my watch, and my eyes follow Angelo’s to the elevator. Penny, Rory, Wren, and Tayce were out shopping all afternoon, then spent the evening getting ready at my brother’s house. My girl’s only been gone a few hours, but I’m already itching to see her. Feel her. Fucking kiss her. Christ, I’ll even settle for staring at her like a simp from across the room at this rate.

The elevator doors ding and a familiar laugh floats out of them. I turn to watch Penny and the girls step out into the room.

My next breath catches in the back of my throat. She hasn’t even taken her coat off yet, but I can already tell she looks incredible. Gold hoops, big, red waves, and a tight dress only a few shades darker. Her eyes sweep the room, then land on me.

Her smile cracks my heart in two.

Squeezing the poker chip in my pocket, I set down my glass and move to greet her. I stoop to give her a kiss and tighten my grip on her nape when she pulls back. “Plus tip,” I mutter, stealing another one. “And VAT.”

I help myself to a third, feeling her smile against my lips. “It’s beautiful in here,” she says, walking over to admire the view. I follow her like a puppy, drinking in the way the low-hanging sun casts a golden glow over her face and makes her eye shadow sparkle. “But I’m confused. It’s not Opening night, is it?”

I slide in beside her, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist. “Not quite, Queenie.” I glance around us, then pull her into an alcove. “I’ve got something to tell you.”

Her face falls. “Oh god, what have you done—”

I grip her chin and plant a kiss on her lips. It’s my new, nice way of getting her to shut up. Always works like a charm. “You see all these men in here? They’re all for you.”

She frowns. “You’re pimping me out?”

“Business isn’t going that badly.”Yet.“I mean, they’re all lined up for a visit to The Grotto. I thought you might want to have a little fun with them first.”

Her eyes grow wide, and she scans the room as if seeing it in a new light. “Seriously?” She steps closer and drops her voice to a theatrical whisper. “You’re telling me I can swindle anyone in here?”

“Swindle the shit out of them, baby.”

“But I’ve gonestraight.”

I laugh in disbelief. “There’s nothing straight about you. Never has been, never will be.”

Tags: Somme Sketcher Romance