Page 7 of Discovery

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“It’s time for you to get up off the couch,” Gail said as she got to her feet. “I’m not sitting around here with you on a Saturday afternoon when we could be out having lunch together.”

“I…don’t feel like it.”

“Tough. Joy has already booked us a table.”

Caroline groaned. She knew her sister would come to play a part in this at some point. Still, they were only doing what was best for Caroline. And sitting home alone all weekend wasn’t really what she wanted either. “Let me shower. I’ll meet you there.”

* * *

Hannah rushed across the street,checking her watch as she stopped outside a new rustic café that had opened in the city. The reviews had been fantastic, and as she peered through the window, it looked as though lunch was going to be worth it. The place was packed out, not a single table available from what she could see.

Today she was meeting with a client who had become a regular. Juliet was a lawyer, always on the go, but she paid very well, usually handing over a hefty tip on the way out the door. Hannah never knew how long their meetings would last. It could be a couple of hours, it could be thirty minutes. Juliet had rushed off on more than one occasion so far, but Hannah was satisfied based on the repeated bookings that it wasn’t anything she was doing wrong.

I can think of somewhere else I’d rather be today…

Hannah hadn’t slept very well last night at all. Between her constant worries about her daughter discovering her current job, and Caroline, Hannah had stared at the ceiling for most of the night. She still hoped to hear from Caroline, but realistically, she knew she wouldn’t see her ever again. Caroline had a lot to deal with, Hannah knew that just from her demeanour last night, but whatever was going on…she wished Caroline well. It was all she could do.

As she stepped inside the café, Juliet stood from her seat and waved her over. The table was set back against a wall, out of the way of prying eyes, Hannah assumed.

She switched into her escort mindset, shedding her long overcoat as she approached Juliet’s table. Her client leant in and kissed her cheek, offering a seat. “Hi, Eva. I’m sorry I called so suddenly, but I found I had a little time to myself this afternoon. Why not enjoy it with you?”

Oh. This was different. Juliet…was different.

“This place looks great. Have you been here before?”

“Once or twice during a working lunch. But today, I’m not working.”

Eva quirked an eyebrow. “You’re not working? Are you feeling okay?”

Juliet laughed, waving Eva into her seat. “Please, sit down. Let’s eat.”

She studied Juliet; her dark brown hair pulled up into a French braid. She always had a particular look about her, someone you wouldn’t cross at the office, but Juliet was a pussycat, really. Eva had spent enough time with her to know that, and Juliet had been nothing short of respectful with each meeting.

“Now, I know you’re already surprised that I’m not working, but I have another proposition for you…”

Eva cocked her head. “Okay.”

“I’d like you to come away with me. It’ll be a week. I’ll pay you very well.”

Eva lowered her eyes. She was sure a break away would be perfect, but it simply wasn’t possible. She had commitments here, though; she wasn’t like a lot of the escorts on the books at the agency. In fact, she was certain she was the only one who had any kids. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

“You can’t?” Juliet frowned.

“I have responsibilities at home. A daughter.”

Juliet seemed surprised by that, her eyebrows almost reaching her hairline. “O-oh. I had no idea.”

“I don’t usually bring it up unless I have to.” That was a lie. She’d spoken freely with Caroline last night about her lack of desire for this job, even mentioning her daughter on one occasion, but she would stick by her opinion of Caroline. That woman wasentirelydifferent from her other clients. “And I’d love to join you on your trip, but it’s not possible for me. I’m sorry.”

Juliet held up a hand. “Don’t be. I understand.”

Okay, that went better than she expected it would. Juliet didn’t look like a woman who took no for an answer, so she was pleasantly surprised.

“Should we order?” Juliet asked, eyeing her phone on the table as it started to ring.

“I…guess so.” Eva smiled, cocking her head towards Juliet’s phone. “Unless you needed to get that.”

“Damn it. I do.” Juliet stood from the table, taking her phone call outside. Eva perused the menu, noting one or two things she’d love to try. And then Juliet came sauntering back into the café, a disappointed look in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but you know where this is going.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance